Print Magazine
September 28, 2009 Issue
The Editors on the ambush of Van Jones, John Nichols on competitive primaries and Jon Wiener on Obama’s CIA-on-campus program.
Cover art by: Cover design by Gene Case & Stephen Kling/Avenging Angels (portraits are of Edmund Burke, top, and, from left, Barry Goldwater, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman and Rush Limbaugh)
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For the eighth anniversary of September 11, 2001, a full-scale reappraisal of the real meaning of that day in New York for ordinary Americans.
Rebecca Solnit
"Female sexual dysfunction" is a case in point of a runaway medical system that requires huge profits, hence new sicknesses, pills and procedures.
JoAnn Wypijewski
Yes, primaries can be divisive and expensive. But the Democratic Party is usually at its best when it trusts grassroots activists and voters to make choices.
John Nichols
Zelaya talks to Tom Hayden.
The Editors
It's bizarre and more than a little infuriating that a champion of social justice has become the latest right-wing bogeyman.
The Editors
If Obama leads, the people will rally to his side. A good way to remind voters of the bold change they voted for last fall: ordering a hard cap on executive pay.
The Editors
A president has only so much capital to expend, and Barack Obama is dangerously overdrawn.
Robert Scheer
Why is Roger Federer's on-the-court meltdown acceptable while Serena Williams's outburst is cause for a national apology tour?
Dave Zirin
The salacious sports media and the puritanical zealots that run international track and field have joined forces to hit a new low.
Dave Zirin and Sherry Wolf
It takes considerable skill to convince people that something that is clearly good for them--like universal healthcare--is not.
Gary Younge
The glittering "spotlight" at a Toronto film festival is a reflection of Israel's desire to avoid scrutiny for its actions in Gaza.
Naomi Klein
A monthlong investigation finds plenty of fire to go with the smoke surrounding the university's incredibly vague conflict-of-interest policies.
Eric Alterman
Two years to the day after the Nisour Square massacre, Blackwater remains in Iraq, armed and dangerous.
Jeremy Scahill
The racist, antigay, pro-gun, antichoice, Christian nationalist march on Washington that conservatives don't want you to see.
Sebastian Jones
As the economy continues to hemorrhage jobs, Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota is introducing legislation to increase eligibility for free school lunches.
Greg Kaufmann
Civics education in schools creates young people who turn into the citizens that our democracy requires.
Andrea Batista Schlesinger
The Senate majority leader calls on Gates and Clinton to find out if shoddy electrical work by contractors killed Adam Hermanson.
Jeremy Scahill
Though Ken Salazar has vowed to clean up the mess at the Interior Department, his selection for director of the National Park Service, Jon Jarvis, only compounds it.
Tess Elliott
More and more experts now say that climate change and population increase should be viewed together. Local politicians in developing countries often try to heat up the issue.
Barbara Crossette
An important announcement suggests that environmental justice may be coming to the Appalachian coalfields.
Jeff Biggers
The growing nonviolent mass movement against Israel's annexation wall is now meeting with stepped-up--and lethal--repression.
Mohammed Khatib
The family of a military contractor electrocuted in Baghdad is alleging his employer, Triple Canopy misled them about how he died.
Jeremy Scahill
Shrouded in secrecy, "intelligence officer training" conflicts with universities' commitment to openness and free inquiry.
Jon Wiener
The Pentagon has all but eclipsed the State Department in setting US foreign policy.
Stephen Glain
From soul to hip-hop: the new environmental movement has a street beat.
Bill McKibben and Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr.
Passage of a "Bill of Rights" in New York would be a promising win for a growing movement.
Lizzy Ratner
Books & the Arts
Traditionalists are at war with free-marketers, and the far right's resentment is deepening. Is conservatism dead?
Kim Phillips-Fein
Novelist Clarice Lispector idealized animals and idiots because they were free of the desire to translate experience into words.
Rachel Aviv
The glittering "spotlight" at a Toronto film festival is a reflection of Israel's desire to avoid scrutiny for its actions in Gaza.
Naomi Klein
From soul to hip-hop: the new environmental movement has a street beat.
Bill McKibben and Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr.
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