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September 6, 1999 Issue
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Russia and Election 2000
President Boris Yeltsin's firing of his fifth Prime Minister in seventeen months and Russia's renewed war in the Caucasus are stark signs of his regime's instability, desperat...
Will Bulworth Run?
Run, Warren, run? The latest made-for-buzz wrinkle in the 2000 presidential campaign is that actor Warren Beatty is considering a rewrite that would put him into the action.
Saving History From the Shredder
They call him "the world's most famous bank guard": Christoph Meili, the former night watchman at the Union Bank of Switzerland in Zurich who in 1997 rescued from the shredder...
Books & the Arts
Living La Vida ‘Loca’
Few Latino writers have challenged homophobia and machismo as fiercely as Jaime Manrique.
Reality Check–Virtual, of Course
A perplexing disconnect from reality haunts the American financial community.
Saving History From the Shredder
They call him "the world's most famous bank guard": Christoph Meili, the former night watchman at the Union Bank of Switzerland in Zurich who in 1997 rescued from the shredder...