Challenging Major League Baseball’s New Managerial Color Line Challenging Major League Baseball’s New Managerial Color Line
With zero African-American managers and only one Latino manager, baseball needs an affirmative-action policy with actual teeth.
Oct 19, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’ Why Today’s GOP Crackup Is the Final Unraveling of Nixon’s ‘Southern Strategy’
Tea Party rebels are exposing the deep rifts between country-club elites and social-issue hard-liners.
Oct 12, 2015 / William Greider

July 7, 1981: Reagan Nominates Sandra Day O’Connor for the Supreme Court July 7, 1981: Reagan Nominates Sandra Day O’Connor for the Supreme Court
"For the highest court in the land he has picked a person, barely qualified for the post, almost entirely because of her sex."
Jul 7, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Federal Affirmative Action Guidelines for Construction Haven’t Been Updated in 30 Years Federal Affirmative Action Guidelines for Construction Haven’t Been Updated in 30 Years
Why are we setting diversity goals based on the 1980 census?
Oct 1, 2014 / Michelle Chen

The Latest Affirmative Action Decision Isn’t Just About Race The Latest Affirmative Action Decision Isn’t Just About Race
The Supreme Court’s decision sweeps away decades of equal protection precedent.
Apr 30, 2014 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Effort to Revive Affirmative Action in California Splits Asian-American Community Effort to Revive Affirmative Action in California Splits Asian-American Community
A grassroots movement tapped into fears that affirmative action would close off university spots for Asian-American students.
Mar 18, 2014 / Steven Hsieh