Valentine’s Message: Home Is Where the Heart Is Valentine’s Message: Home Is Where the Heart Is
Tenant leaders around the country unite for Valentine's Day demonstrations and direct actions against cuts to Housing and Urban Development programs.
Feb 14, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Conversation: Roberta Gratz and John Mollenkopf on Cities in Decline Conversation: Roberta Gratz and John Mollenkopf on Cities in Decline
With budget crunches slamming cities and urban industry continuing to decline, what can be done to rebuild American cities so that they are strong and work for everyone?
Sep 22, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
How ACORN Helped Save NOLA How ACORN Helped Save NOLA
The anti-poverty group ACORN was crucial to recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina hit.
Aug 26, 2010 / Feature / John Atlas
Tales of Tent City Tales of Tent City
In boom and in bust, homeless encampments are a product of inequality and neglect.
Jun 3, 2009 / Feature / Ben Ehrenreich
Movin’ On Down Movin’ On Down
Loan-sharking has resurged with global force, cutting across class, race and regions: we're all in the ghetto now.
Jun 26, 2008 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Lawyers for the Poor Muzzled in Subprime Mess Lawyers for the Poor Muzzled in Subprime Mess
Civil legal aid attorneys could have sounded the alarm years before the subprime scandal began destroying the lives of urban poor--but Congress wouldn't let them.
Jan 16, 2008 / Feature / Laura K. Abel
The Lower Ninth Battles Back The Lower Ninth Battles Back
Community members and outside organizations are working together to rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward.
Aug 23, 2007 / Feature / Rebecca Solnit
Goodbye, St. Thomas Goodbye, St. Thomas
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans's ruling class is demolishing public housing to make way for private businesses and expensive condos.
Aug 10, 2007 / Feature / Billy Sothern
Subprime Mortgage Blues Subprime Mortgage Blues
As the housing market flattens, the poor pay the price for the greed and stupidity of the real estate and banking bigwigs.
Mar 5, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
American Dream, Downsized American Dream, Downsized
In the world's increasingly crowded cities, personal space is shrinking--and so are options for personal happiness.
Feb 6, 2007 / Feature / Andrew Lam