Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future
When the civil-rights leader was nominated for vice president in 1968, we got a glimpse of the new politics.
Aug 17, 2015 / John Nichols

The Rebirth of Black Rage The Rebirth of Black Rage
From Kanye to Obama, and back again.
Aug 13, 2015 / Feature / Mychal Denzel Smith

From New Orleans to Ferguson, a Decade of Asserting Black Lives Matter From New Orleans to Ferguson, a Decade of Asserting Black Lives Matter
We’ve learned that the moment black people stop saying our lives matter, our lives will cease to matter.
Aug 13, 2015 / Melissa Harris-Perry and James Perry

Black Lives Matter Is a Demand, Not a Plea Black Lives Matter Is a Demand, Not a Plea
The movement’s protests targeting Bernie Sanders have provoked heated debate among progressive politicos—and that’s just fine.
Aug 12, 2015 / Kai Wright

Pimps, Prostitutes, Drug Dealers and the GOP’s Colorblind America Pimps, Prostitutes, Drug Dealers and the GOP’s Colorblind America
The first Republican debates were a startling reminder that the party is still dominated by white men who won’t talk honestly about race.
Aug 7, 2015 / Mark Winston Griffith

For Many Americans, the Great Recession Never Ended. Is the Fed About to Make It Worse? For Many Americans, the Great Recession Never Ended. Is the Fed About to Make It Worse?
Why it’s a mistake for the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates this year.
Jul 28, 2015 / Connie M. Razza

How Did ‘Driving While Black’ Turn Deadly for Sandra Bland? How Did ‘Driving While Black’ Turn Deadly for Sandra Bland?
Bland didn’t bow or scrape to an aggressive police officer.
Jul 23, 2015 / Dani McClain

Why the Black Lives Matter Protest at Netroots Nation Was Long Overdue Why the Black Lives Matter Protest at Netroots Nation Was Long Overdue
It's time Democratic candidates offer voters a meaningful plan for tackling systemic racism.
Jul 21, 2015 / Dani McClain

How Prison Reform Became a Presidential Priority How Prison Reform Became a Presidential Priority
Obama’s prison visit would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. But organizing and advocacy created a new consensus.
Jul 16, 2015 / Benjamin Todd Jealous

Why 100 Black Intellectuals Rallied Behind This Professor Why 100 Black Intellectuals Rallied Behind This Professor
Many black intellectuals want and need to engage with an audience outside the ivory tower—but these public conversations leave them vulnerable to attack.
Jul 14, 2015 / Dani McClain