The War on Terror Is Only Evolving The War on Terror Is Only Evolving
Traditionally, when a war ends, there’s at least a nod to the peace that will follow. Not so with this war.
Aug 24, 2021 / Karen J. Greenberg

Our Forever Wars in 6 Questions Our Forever Wars in 6 Questions
After 18-plus years of seemingly endless conflict, our government owes us answers.
Feb 14, 2020 / Tom Engelhardt

Syria’s Government Is Preparing a Climactic Attack on the Last Rebel Stronghold Syria’s Government Is Preparing a Climactic Attack on the Last Rebel Stronghold
“People are terrified. The battle for Idlib will be soaked in blood.”
Aug 30, 2018 / Loubna Mrie

How the Neocon Plan to Destabilize Iran Will Blow Back on the United States How the Neocon Plan to Destabilize Iran Will Blow Back on the United States
A destabilized Iran would make post-invasion Iraq look like Disney World by comparison.
Jul 26, 2018 / Juan Cole

How Government Secrecy on Torture Has Stymied the 9/11 Terror Prosecution How Government Secrecy on Torture Has Stymied the 9/11 Terror Prosecution
This case is the last front in the long-running battle over the Bush-era torture regime.
Jul 19, 2018 / Lisa Hajjar

Why Gina Haspel, the Queen of Torture, Was Able to Rise to the Top of the CIA Why Gina Haspel, the Queen of Torture, Was Able to Rise to the Top of the CIA
Obama’s decision not to pursue accountability has given Bush administration criminals golden-shield powers.
Mar 16, 2018 / Lisa Hajjar

In Pakistan’s Tribal Areas, Collective Punishment Is the Law of the Land In Pakistan’s Tribal Areas, Collective Punishment Is the Law of the Land
Civilians here, who live under an outdated colonial regime, have been terrorized by US drone strikes and extremist Islamists for many years.
Dec 6, 2017 / Umar Farooq

Saudi Arabia’s Rivalry With Iran Is Further Destabilizing the Middle East Saudi Arabia’s Rivalry With Iran Is Further Destabilizing the Middle East
Riyadh’s divide-and-rule strategy has yielded few successes, and it hasn’t made a dent in Iran’s regional influence.
Nov 27, 2017 / Juan Cole

What if This Had Happened on the Day After 9/11? What if This Had Happened on the Day After 9/11?
Things could have gone very, very differently.
Nov 27, 2017 / Danny Sjursen

What Russia’s Syria Intervention Tells Us About Its Interference in the US Election What Russia’s Syria Intervention Tells Us About Its Interference in the US Election
Playing on ethnic and racial divisions has become a hallmark of crony-capitalist Russia.
Nov 6, 2017 / Juan Cole