Why Is Washington Supporting Fundamentalist Jihadis in Syria? Why Is Washington Supporting Fundamentalist Jihadis in Syria?
A CIA-backed rebel group has joined with Al Qaeda in attacking another rebel force—the one leading negotiations in Geneva.
May 16, 2016 / Juan Cole

What Really Stands in the Way of Closing Guantánamo What Really Stands in the Way of Closing Guantánamo
On his first day in the Oval Office, Obama swore he’d close Gitmo. He’s got nine months left to do it.
Apr 19, 2016 / Karen J. Greenberg

Welcome to American Warfare: A 14-Year Game Where Everyone’s a Loser Welcome to American Warfare: A 14-Year Game Where Everyone’s a Loser
The best part is you get to play the same round over and over and over again.
Mar 10, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

Lives Fit for Print: Exposing Media Bias in Coverage of Terrorism Lives Fit for Print: Exposing Media Bias in Coverage of Terrorism
A detailed study shows that attacks in Western countries are covered far more often—and with more depth and heart—than ones in non-Western countries.
Jan 13, 2016 / Sean Darling-Hammond

France Should Stop Listening to Saudi Arabia on Syria France Should Stop Listening to Saudi Arabia on Syria
ISIS is the most urgent threat to the West stemming from the Syrian war and must be destroyed. Assad’s murderous dictatorship can be dealt with next.
Nov 15, 2015 / Juan Cole

US Engagement in the Middle East Is Riskier Than Ever US Engagement in the Middle East Is Riskier Than Ever
Twelve years after the invasion of Iraq, the US presses onward in a region where it has few clear goals. What could go wrong?
Oct 22, 2015 / Peter Van Buren

How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War How Putin Adopted Obama’s Way of War
The spread of the Obama Doctrine of counterinsurgency signals a new and dangerous phase of contemporary warfare.
Oct 13, 2015 / Juan Cole

The Biggest Winners of the Arab Spring? Dictators The Biggest Winners of the Arab Spring? Dictators
While authoritarian rule appears to provide stability over the short term, it breeds discontent and affirms the idea that violence is the only way to be heard.
Oct 9, 2015 / Mohamad Bazzi

Are Iran and Russia Risking Their Own Vietnam in Syria? Are Iran and Russia Risking Their Own Vietnam in Syria?
There are growing reports that Iranian troops, not just advisers, have joined Hezbollah in defending the Assad regime—backed by an increasing Russian military presence.
Sep 15, 2015 / Juan Cole

Yemen, the World’s Next Great Refugee Crisis Yemen, the World’s Next Great Refugee Crisis
As the civil war heats up amid intervention by the Gulf monarchies, thousands are fleeing every day.
Sep 9, 2015 / Juan Cole