Anti-death penalty movement

Mario Cuomo Was So Very Right—Especially on the Death Penalty

Mario Cuomo Was So Very Right—Especially on the Death Penalty Mario Cuomo Was So Very Right—Especially on the Death Penalty

The late New York governor made it his mission to speak up for a moral politics and governance.

Jan 2, 2015 / John Nichols

Remembering Delbert Tibbs

Remembering Delbert Tibbs Remembering Delbert Tibbs

After his release from death row for a crime he did not commit, Tibbs found a sense of purpose and community as an anti-death-penalty activist.

Dec 17, 2013 / Mark Sorkin

Outside the Texas Death Chamber

Outside the Texas Death Chamber Outside the Texas Death Chamber

As Kimberly McCarthy was put to death—the 500th Texas prisoner executed since 1982—protesters and crime victims alike came to bear witness.

Jun 27, 2013 / Alex Hannaford

Police Torture and the Death Penalty in Illinois: Ten Years Later Police Torture and the Death Penalty in Illinois: Ten Years Later

A decade after Illinois Governor George Ryan emptied death row and pardoned four innocent men who were tortured by police under Commander Jon Burge, the city of Chicago has not adm...

Jan 11, 2013 / Flint Taylor

Marching Against the Death Penalty in Texas Marching Against the Death Penalty in Texas

For family members of death row prisoners, including those who have been executed, gatherings like the March for Abolition are a critical lifeline, and a link to a desperately need...

Nov 16, 2012 / Liliana Segura

Organizing in Troy Davis’s Name Organizing in Troy Davis’s Name

After mourning, fight back by helping these four groups redouble their efforts to abolish capital punishment in the US.

Sep 22, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

Top Ten Death Penalty Songs (In Tribute to Troy Davis) Top Ten Death Penalty Songs (In Tribute to Troy Davis)

Here's my stab at a list of the top ten songs ever written in opposition to capital punishment.

Sep 20, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

Howard University Protest in Support of Troy Davis

Howard University Protest in Support of Troy Davis Howard University Protest in Support of Troy Davis

Student involvement in the Troy Davis case has been especially strong.

Sep 20, 2011 / StudentNation / The Nation

How to Help Troy Davis How to Help Troy Davis

Even with just two weeks left, the fight to save Davis' life is winnable.

Sep 13, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

A Life in the Balance: Troy Davis on Death Row A Life in the Balance: Troy Davis on Death Row

Troy Davis is one of thousands who face execution for crimes they may not have committed.

Aug 29, 2011 / The Nation
