Anti-death penalty movement

New Lethal Injection Drug Could Amount to Torturing Prisoners to Death New Lethal Injection Drug Could Amount to Torturing Prisoners to Death

Facing a shortage of lethal injection drugs, some death penalty states have begun switching up the drug cocktail used in executions—but is this experimentation legal?

May 25, 2011 / Russia Today

New Lethal Injection Drug Could Amount to Torturing Prisoners to Death New Lethal Injection Drug Could Amount to Torturing Prisoners to Death

Facing a shortage of lethal injection drugs, some death penalty states have begun switching up the drug cocktail used in executions—but is this experimentation legal?

May 24, 2011 / Press Room

Oppose the Death Penalty for Troy Davis Oppose the Death Penalty for Troy Davis

Help prevent a wrongful state execution.

Jun 16, 2010 / Peter Rothberg

Whither Capital Punishment Whither Capital Punishment

As a seven-month national moratorium on executions comes to an end, where does the student movement against the death penalty go?

Sep 9, 2008 / StudentNation / The Nation

Hypocrisy Trumps Clemency Hypocrisy Trumps Clemency

The refusal of the California governor, who built his fame feeding adolescent fantasies of killing, to grant clemency to a former gang leader who tried to dissuade kids from violen...

Dec 14, 2005 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

Two Prisoners Named Williams Two Prisoners Named Williams

The lives and deaths of two prisoners intersected this week--Stanley Tookie Williams and Richard Williams, flawed men whose political perspectives and pursuit of personal redemptio...

Dec 14, 2005 / Feature / Dan Berger

Too Young to Die Too Young to Die

The immediate outcome of the Supreme Court's 5-to-4 decision in Roper v.

Mar 3, 2005 / The Editors

Knowing What You’re Talking About Knowing What You’re Talking About

"Expert testimony" does not mean having a badge or a degree.

Feb 17, 2005 / Feature / Liliana Segura

Waiting for Roper v. Simmons Waiting for Roper v. Simmons

A forum on the juvenile death penalty.

Jan 23, 2005 / Feature / Patrick Mulvaney

Stuff These Stockings (Please) Stuff These Stockings (Please)

Another holiday season--and only a year after the last one. How did that happen?

Dec 16, 2004 / Column / Katha Pollitt
