How John Maynard Keynes Can Save the Arab Spring How John Maynard Keynes Can Save the Arab Spring
With secular autocrats and rigid Islamists equally discredited in the Arab world, the space is wide open for progressive democrats to save the Arab Spring.
Jul 2, 2014 / Richard Javad Heydarian and Foreign Policy In Focus

The Arab Millennials Will Be Back The Arab Millennials Will Be Back
We haven’t heard the last of the generation that made revolution in Egypt and across the Middle East.
Jun 30, 2014 / Juan Cole

The US Still Has a Soft Spot for Brutal Military Dictators The US Still Has a Soft Spot for Brutal Military Dictators
The conviction of three Al Jazeera journalists yesterday underscored the hypocrisy of US support for Egypt’s General Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi.
Jun 24, 2014 / Robert Scheer

Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi
The disruption at the Guggenheim was just a visual articulation of global, grassroots demands rising outside the museum walls.
May 26, 2014 / Michelle Chen

5 Concrete Steps the US Can Take to End the Syria Crisis 5 Concrete Steps the US Can Take to End the Syria Crisis
We in civil society must sharpen our demands.
May 14, 2014 / Phyllis Bennis

As Jordanian Women Leave the Home, Sexual Harassment Reaches Unprecedented Levels As Jordanian Women Leave the Home, Sexual Harassment Reaches Unprecedented Levels
Social media platforms are enabling women to speak out anonymously and show that harassment exists—but that hasn’t resulted in culture change.
Mar 18, 2014 / Feature / Elizabeth Whitman

How One Country Emerged From the Arab Spring With a Democratic State How One Country Emerged From the Arab Spring With a Democratic State
In Tunisia, secularists and Islamists produced a landmark constitution—without Western interference.
Feb 12, 2014 / Feature / Yasmine Ryan

A Voice for Democracy Against Egypt’s ‘Fascist Buildup’ A Voice for Democracy Against Egypt’s ‘Fascist Buildup’
Amr Hamzawy was one of the few liberals who condemned both the Morsi government’s misrule and the military coup. Now he’s increasingly isolated.
Feb 12, 2014 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous

Sharif Abdel Kouddous: Egypt, Three Years Later Sharif Abdel Kouddous: Egypt, Three Years Later
Reporting from Cairo, Kouddous speaks to Democracy Now! about recent crackdowns against Egyptian journalists and the ascendancy of a repressive security state.
Jan 30, 2014 / Press Room

The US Continues to Stand By Bahrain The US Continues to Stand By Bahrain
Chuck Hagel's paeans to “political reform” in the Gulf must have sounded strange to political prisoners in repressive Bahrain, where he delivered his remarks.
Jan 13, 2014 / Amanda Ufheil-Somers and Foreign Policy In Focus