Can Brazil’s Workers’ Party Survive? Can Brazil’s Workers’ Party Survive?
President Dilma Rousseff is facing an impeachment drive, a tanking economy—and grassroots party activists furious at her austerity policies and pro-corporate development strategy.
Jan 5, 2016 / Andy Robinson

Will Spain Replace Its Old Guard in the December 20 Elections? Will Spain Replace Its Old Guard in the December 20 Elections?
While the new-left hope Podemos has seen its support drop in recent months, the center-right Ciudadanos has risen meteorically.
Dec 14, 2015 / Sebastiaan Faber and Bécquer Seguín

CUNY Faculty Authorizes a Strike Vote CUNY Faculty Authorizes a Strike Vote
Half a decade after working without a contract or a pay raise, City University of New York faculty and staff have had enough.
Nov 30, 2015 / StudentNation / Carlos Ballesteros

Justin Trudeau Just Showed American Democrats How to Win the Next Election Justin Trudeau Just Showed American Democrats How to Win the Next Election
Promises to tax the rich and to make infrastructure investment a priority—along with an embrace of diversity—beat the right in Canada.
Oct 20, 2015 / John Nichols

Why Is the CBO Concocting a Phony Debt Crisis? Why Is the CBO Concocting a Phony Debt Crisis?
A simple accounting trick is arming austerity hawks with a powerful, phony weapon.
Oct 15, 2015 / Ari Rabin-Havt

Europe’s Left Continues Its Rise to Power—This Time in Portugal Europe’s Left Continues Its Rise to Power—This Time in Portugal
In recent elections, left parties garnered more than 50 percent of the vote and austerity took a major hit.
Oct 14, 2015 / Conn Hallinan

Why the Catalonia Separatist Question Will Continue to Plague Spain Why the Catalonia Separatist Question Will Continue to Plague Spain
Left-right divisions, amid continuing public anger at government austerity and corruption, have stymied unity in both the anti- and pro-independence camps.
Oct 5, 2015 / Andy Robinson

Syriza Couldn’t End Austerity in Greece—Here’s Why Voters Reelected Them Anyway Syriza Couldn’t End Austerity in Greece—Here’s Why Voters Reelected Them Anyway
Like a tragic hero, Alexis Tsipras acted out the country’s impasse—and the impasse of the left—dramatically, in real time, with real people’s lives.
Sep 21, 2015 / Maria Margaronis

What the US Left—and Bernie Sanders’s Supporters—Can Learn From Jeremy Corbyn What the US Left—and Bernie Sanders’s Supporters—Can Learn From Jeremy Corbyn
Could Americans be primed for a rejection of austerity politics?
Sep 16, 2015 / Ted Fertik

Tennessee Higher Education Talks Big, Acts Cheap Tennessee Higher Education Talks Big, Acts Cheap
Statewide austerity measures leave campus workers doing more work for less pay.
Sep 9, 2015 / Michelle Chen