Mitch McConnell’s Ghoulish Plan to Exploit Covid Desperation to Shield Corporate Crime Mitch McConnell’s Ghoulish Plan to Exploit Covid Desperation to Shield Corporate Crime
Republicans want to protect corporations from Covid-related lawsuits. Senator Bernie Sanders says it’s wrong morally and economically.
Dec 7, 2020 / John Nichols

9 Months Into Touch-Free Living, What Shall We Birth? 9 Months Into Touch-Free Living, What Shall We Birth?
“Thanks Forgiving,” a poem.
Dec 2, 2020 / Verandah Porche

What Bernie Sanders Could Do as Secretary of Labor What Bernie Sanders Could Do as Secretary of Labor
If Biden were to embrace the idea, Sanders and a team of visionary leaders could forge a new New Deal for working Americans.
Nov 16, 2020 / John Nichols

Progressive Democrats Sweep Rhode Island Progressive Democrats Sweep Rhode Island
Challengers from the left ousted eight incumbents in the state’s Democratic primaries, and five more won open seats.
Oct 26, 2020 / Julia Rock and Harry August

Progressives Should Support Biden Now, but Be Ready to Push Later Progressives Should Support Biden Now, but Be Ready to Push Later
The chaos of recent years demands a paradigm shift.
Oct 20, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Progressives Won’t Wait for Biden to Set the Course Progressives Won’t Wait for Biden to Set the Course
If Biden plans to fulfill his campaign trail promise that he’ll be the “most progressive president since FDR,” he’ll have to help lead the push for progressive policies.
Oct 19, 2020 / Robert L. Borosage

Biden Needs to Stop Talking Down Bernie Sanders and Medicare for All Biden Needs to Stop Talking Down Bernie Sanders and Medicare for All
Don’t step into the traps Trump lays to divide a Democratic coalition that includes democratic socialists with popular ideas.
Oct 2, 2020 / John Nichols

Bernie Sanders Has Given Us a Tool Kit for Defending Against Trump’s Threat to Democracy Bernie Sanders Has Given Us a Tool Kit for Defending Against Trump’s Threat to Democracy
In a sweeping address, the senator argues for specific action to assure a peaceful transfer of power after the November election.
Sep 25, 2020 / John Nichols

Trump’s Fake Anti-War Posturing Works for Him Trump’s Fake Anti-War Posturing Works for Him
Democrats have ceded opposition to the military-industrial complex to a belligerent fraud.
Sep 9, 2020 / Jeet Heer

Dissenting Delegates Send a Medicare for All Message to Joe Biden Dissenting Delegates Send a Medicare for All Message to Joe Biden
Biden is nominated, but even some of his own delegates say that he should embrace a single-payer response to America’s health care crisis.
Aug 19, 2020 / John Nichols