Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

Postal Workers Endorse Austerity-Foe Bernie Sanders Postal Workers Endorse Austerity-Foe Bernie Sanders

An endorsement of a longtime foe of privatization who supports postal banking.

Nov 12, 2015 / John Nichols

Ben Carson

Ben Carson Is As Wrong About Wage Hikes as He Was About the Pyramids Ben Carson Is As Wrong About Wage Hikes as He Was About the Pyramids

Truman almost doubled the minimum wage. A year later, the unemployment rate was dramatically lower.

Nov 11, 2015 / John Nichols

Please, Democrats: Don’t Attack Bernie Sanders for Joining Your Party

Please, Democrats: Don’t Attack Bernie Sanders for Joining Your Party Please, Democrats: Don’t Attack Bernie Sanders for Joining Your Party

Martin O’Malley is trying to score points by attacking socialist Sanders for running as a Democrat. That will only hurt his party.

Nov 9, 2015 / Joan Walsh

LIVE: The Presidential Candidate Immigration Forum

LIVE: The Presidential Candidate Immigration Forum LIVE: The Presidential Candidate Immigration Forum

Tune in this Sunday and Monday for a live conversation featuring Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley.

Nov 5, 2015 / The Nation

FDR’s “good friend”: Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas in Milwaukee, September 1932

Why Grassroots Democrats Don’t Have a Problem With Democratic Socialism Why Grassroots Democrats Don’t Have a Problem With Democratic Socialism

They know that Bernie Sanders is advocating an old American tradition—in fact, Democrats now favor socialism over capitalism by 12 percentage points.

Nov 4, 2015 / Feature / John Nichols

Welcome to America, Where We Fight for the Freedom to Visit Disney World

Welcome to America, Where We Fight for the Freedom to Visit Disney World Welcome to America, Where We Fight for the Freedom to Visit Disney World

That’s why we went to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, right?

Oct 29, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt

GOP Debate

Republican Candidates Beat the Populist Drum Republican Candidates Beat the Populist Drum

Big, powerful, corrupt bureaucracy works only for the big, powerful, wealthy, and well-connected—says big, powerful, wealthy, well-connected former CEO.  

Oct 29, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan

Letters Icon

Letters From the November 16, 2015, Issue Letters From the November 16, 2015, Issue

For the love of Bernie… when loco parentis is loco… in defense of the pope… fetal distraction…

Oct 29, 2015 / Our Readers

Tom Tomorrow toon

The Campaign Season of the Damned The Campaign Season of the Damned

Welcome to the endless torment of the perpetual campaign.

Oct 27, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing Bernie Sanders Is Actually Quite Serious About This ‘Political Revolution’ Thing

With a rock concert, a rally, and a key speech in Iowa, the insurgent signals that he intends to remain an insurgent.

Oct 26, 2015 / John Nichols
