Black Love Matters Black Love Matters
A dispatch from the inaugural gathering of a proudly diffuse, rapidly growing, hyper-local movement for black lives.
Jul 28, 2015 / Mark Winston Griffith

An Open Letter to the NBA Players Traveling to Israel An Open Letter to the NBA Players Traveling to Israel
The NBA’s trip to Israel—sponsored by Sheldon Adelson—raises questions for players who aligned themselves with the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
Jul 27, 2015 / Dave Zirin

How Did ‘Driving While Black’ Turn Deadly for Sandra Bland? How Did ‘Driving While Black’ Turn Deadly for Sandra Bland?
Bland didn’t bow or scrape to an aggressive police officer.
Jul 23, 2015 / Dani McClain

Bernie Sanders Blew a Huge Opportunity at Netroots Nation Bernie Sanders Blew a Huge Opportunity at Netroots Nation
He still has a chance to convince voters of color that he cares deeply about racial justice—but time is running out.
Jul 22, 2015 / Joe Dinkin

Why the Black Lives Matter Protest at Netroots Nation Was Long Overdue Why the Black Lives Matter Protest at Netroots Nation Was Long Overdue
It's time Democratic candidates offer voters a meaningful plan for tackling systemic racism.
Jul 21, 2015 / Dani McClain

Guns and the New Civil-Rights Movement: Charleston Is Not Sandy Hook Guns and the New Civil-Rights Movement: Charleston Is Not Sandy Hook
The Charleston shooting had more to do with racism and white supremacy than gun control regulation.
Jul 16, 2015 / Dante Barry

Why 100 Black Intellectuals Rallied Behind This Professor Why 100 Black Intellectuals Rallied Behind This Professor
Many black intellectuals want and need to engage with an audience outside the ivory tower—but these public conversations leave them vulnerable to attack.
Jul 14, 2015 / Dani McClain

Boston University Is Proof That University Campuses Are Anything But ‘Post-Racial’ Boston University Is Proof That University Campuses Are Anything But ‘Post-Racial’
A look at anti-black racism on a liberal university campus in the Northeast.
Jul 14, 2015 / StudentNation / Jailyn Gladney and StudentNation

Why the Black Church Forgives Dylann Roof Why the Black Church Forgives Dylann Roof
And how President Obama’s Charleston eulogy used the theology of black liberation to call the country to account for racism.
Jul 2, 2015 / Kelly Brown Douglas

The African-American Survival Tactic Dylann Roof Exploited The African-American Survival Tactic Dylann Roof Exploited
The Charleston shooter took advantage of a congregation that welcomed a stranger into its midst.
Jun 19, 2015 / Dani McClain