
Jon Snow

Jon Snow Would Vote Against Brexit Jon Snow Would Vote Against Brexit

As in Game of Thrones, Brexit’s villains are extremists fixated on short-term personal gain at the expense of everyone else.

Apr 26, 2019 / Peter Biskind

Brexit Is Not Just a Tragedy for Britain

Brexit Is Not Just a Tragedy for Britain Brexit Is Not Just a Tragedy for Britain

The UK’s ridiculous behavior has made the EU look far more coherent than it deserves.

Apr 18, 2019 / Column / Gary Younge

Anti Brexit Demonstration

Britain, Seized With Brexit Madness, Staggers Toward Yet Another Deadline Britain, Seized With Brexit Madness, Staggers Toward Yet Another Deadline

There’s still no resolution in sight. But some on the left see the new October departure date as a chance to counter the nativist right.

Apr 16, 2019 / Rachel Shabi

Brexit Banner

Brexit Has Made the UK a Laughingstock Brexit Has Made the UK a Laughingstock

The British political class is in crisis.

Mar 21, 2019 / Column / Gary Younge

British Parliament Goes Full Zombie Over Brexit

British Parliament Goes Full Zombie Over Brexit British Parliament Goes Full Zombie Over Brexit

We’re saddled with a government permanently on the verge of collapse over a 2016 referendum decision that can’t be achieved and has instead induced a political breakdown.

Mar 15, 2019 / Rachel Shabi

The Price of Austerity in England

The Price of Austerity in England The Price of Austerity in England

Savage cuts in social services have put county councils in crisis.

Mar 14, 2019 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

Anti-Brexit demonstrators

Brexit Is Deadlocked as the Countdown Continues Brexit Is Deadlocked as the Countdown Continues

The UK Parliament is at an impasse, and both main parties are at risk of fracturing.

Feb 14, 2019 / Paul Mason

Brexit Demonstrators

Britain’s Brexit Crack-Up Britain’s Brexit Crack-Up

Why has the Labour Party listened so late and so half-heartedly to the majority of its members who support the call for a People’s Vote?

Jan 23, 2019 / Maria Margaronis

Brexit Banner

Britain Is Stumbling Toward the Worst Possible Brexit Britain Is Stumbling Toward the Worst Possible Brexit

A no-deal exit is what civil servants now consider most likely—and it is one that sections of the British public, in full kamikaze mode, are clamoring for.

Jan 23, 2019 / Rachel Shabi

Prime Minister Theresa Ma

Why No Deal Is the Real Deal: Brexit and the Politics of the Interregnum Why No Deal Is the Real Deal: Brexit and the Politics of the Interregnum

Leaving the European Union is the necessary goal of the left in Britain.

Jan 17, 2019 / Maurice Glasman
