Fragments From a Diary Fragments From a Diary
Soothed by calm words, we are about to be driven into the flames of hell.
Mar 13, 2003 / Feature / Wallace Shawn
Dissent and Disconnects Dissent and Disconnects
History was made on February 27 when for the first time Big Labor formally broke with a sitting President's war policy.
Mar 6, 2003 / The Editors
Challenging the Rush to War Challenging the Rush to War
Considering the fact that the Bush Administration is the planet's primary proponent of war with Iraq, Nancy Lessin wants to know why the US Congress has failed to follow the exam...
Mar 5, 2003 / Feature / John Nichols
Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink
So the truth is out: George W. Bush lied when he claimed to be worried about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction.
Mar 4, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
Listen to George…Washington Listen to George…Washington
It would be so much easier if the Bush Administration just dropped the confusing pretension of an earnest campaign for truth, international cooperation and the rule of law.
Feb 18, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
Who’s in Charge? Who’s in Charge?
On October 4, 2001--less than a month after that horrific day--George W. Bush and the members of his National Security Council were nailing down the details of the coming war i...
Feb 13, 2003 / Books & the Arts / David Corn
Only by Swallowing Big Lies Can Powell Justify a War Only by Swallowing Big Lies Can Powell Justify a War
We know in advance that Colin Powell's performance will be flawless.
Feb 5, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer
Bush’s Gulf of Credibility Bush’s Gulf of Credibility
Bush's Gulf of Credibility The President's State of the Union address deepened the gulf between word and deed. Poll-tested packaging hid the untruths within.
Jan 30, 2003 / The Editors
Union Knows Its State: Lousy Union Knows Its State: Lousy
Let me tell you about the state of the union: It's lousy. The only real question is whether the President doesn't know it or just doesn't care.
Jan 28, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer