
Letters Icon

Letters From the July 27/August 3, 2020, Issue Letters From the July 27/August 3, 2020, Issue

A family legacy… The beef with red meat… Taxing efforts…

Jul 14, 2020 / Our Readers and Jane McAlevey

Oakland dock protest

Unions Are Taking a Stand for Black Lives Unions Are Taking a Stand for Black Lives

A dock shutdown in Oakland heralds an alliance between antiracist activism and organized labor.

Jun 24, 2020 / Karina Piser

Jewelle Gomez

A Lesbian Archive Sends Its Love Letter: Find History, Find Yourself A Lesbian Archive Sends Its Love Letter: Find History, Find Yourself

Scenes from a pandemic: 13

Jun 24, 2020 / Jewelle Gomez

Training a Dog

Training a Dog Training a Dog

Scenes from a pandemic: 11

Jun 10, 2020 / Jon Crawford

California protest

Rescind, Reform, and Fight: 3 Steps for Racial Justice Rescind, Reform, and Fight: 3 Steps for Racial Justice

Across California, curfews are creating the potential for the exact type of racialized policing abuses that are being protested.

Jun 8, 2020 / Candice Francis and Abdi Soltani


Where Does America Go From Here? Where Does America Go From Here?

As protesters face off with militarized police across the country, Trump’s ineptitude and cruelty feel more painful than ever.

Jun 2, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

L.A. Tenants Union protest

It’s Time to Cancel the Rent It’s Time to Cancel the Rent

Democrats are pushing two proposals to help Americans cover rent payments. Neither gives tenants what they really need: more power.

May 29, 2020 / Tracy Rosenthal

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Letters From the June 1/8, 2020, Issue Letters From the June 1/8, 2020, Issue

What’s the matter with San Fran?… Unspoken rules… The source of our disagreement…

May 19, 2020 / Our Readers, Noam Chomsky, and Susie Linfield

A car drives past city hall, carrying signs that read

Undocumented Workers in Coronavirus Crisis Undocumented Workers in Coronavirus Crisis

“Immigrant workers give life, give a pulse, to our economy. We need to be taken into account.”

May 14, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

The University of California Strike Enters Its 4th Month

The University of California Strike Enters Its 4th Month The University of California Strike Enters Its 4th Month

Amid the Covid-19 outbreak, graduate student workers’ living conditions are now their working conditions—and more than ever, we need them to be safe.

Apr 6, 2020 / StudentNation / UC Santa Cruz Wildcat Strikers
