De Blasio’s War on Charters Isn’t Much of a War De Blasio’s War on Charters Isn’t Much of a War
A narrow decision on charter school co-locations has charter proponents howling—but is their outrage overblown?
Mar 5, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

Bonus Question: What Does a Progressive School Policy Really Look Like? Bonus Question: What Does a Progressive School Policy Really Look Like?
de Blasio’s pick for schools chancellor is a great first step toward changing the direction of school reform in New York. But it was just the first step.
Dec 31, 2013 / Jarrett Murphy
Debating Students for Educational Reform: A Response Debating Students for Educational Reform: A Response
The co-founder of SFER asks that her group be defined by those who are a part of us, rather than those who are not.
Aug 5, 2013 / StudentNation / Catharine Bellinger

Are Street Protests Next in the Fight Over Education Reform? Are Street Protests Next in the Fight Over Education Reform?
Showdowns in Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City and beyond have turned out parents and teachers in droves—and revealed how out of touch education reformers really are.
Jul 31, 2013 / Amy B. Dean
Controversy Over Charter Schools Lands on State Ballots Controversy Over Charter Schools Lands on State Ballots
If pro-charter proposals in Washington State or Georgia pass this November, that will mark the first time charter schools have won at the ballot box.
Nov 1, 2012 / Elizabeth Whitman
The Strike Is Over, Segregation Is Not The Strike Is Over, Segregation Is Not
The Chicago Teacher Strike was just the first step in a march against educational inequality.
Sep 24, 2012 / StudentNation / Christie Thompson

Big Money, Bad Media, Secret Agendas: Welcome to America’s Wildest School Board Race Big Money, Bad Media, Secret Agendas: Welcome to America’s Wildest School Board Race
Denver's contest for local school board seats has already cost $600,000, as big-money backers of school privatization, charters and “choice” try to buy control of educa...
Oct 21, 2011 / John Nichols
Can Teachers Alone Overcome Poverty? Steven Brill Thinks So Can Teachers Alone Overcome Poverty? Steven Brill Thinks So
The journalist blames teachers unions, not economic inequality, for students’ failure to achieve.
Aug 10, 2011 / Feature / Dana Goldstein
Right-Wing Billionaires Invest in Wisconsin’s Recall Elections Right-Wing Billionaires Invest in Wisconsin’s Recall Elections
As part of a push to privatize schools, rich conservatives are pouring a fortune into a campaign to defend Republicans who support school choice schemes.
Aug 8, 2011 / John Nichols

Vouchers: They’re Baaaaaack! Vouchers: They’re Baaaaaack!
As thirty-six states contemplate privatization measures, public schools are on the defensive.
Jun 1, 2011 / Feature / Peter Schrag