Chris Christie

Presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio

Heading Into New Hampshire, Republicans Are a Hot Mess Heading Into New Hampshire, Republicans Are a Hot Mess

Donald Trump gets uglier, and establishment savior Marco Rubio melts down.

Feb 9, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio

Republicans Suddenly Realize Anti-Choice Politics Can Be Toxic Republicans Suddenly Realize Anti-Choice Politics Can Be Toxic

After a year of over-the-top campaigning against Planned Parenthood by Republicans, Bush, and Christie now decry Rubio’s extreme anti-choice stances.

Feb 8, 2016 / John Nichols

GOP Debate SC

This Republican Debate Was Nasty, Brutish and Long This Republican Debate Was Nasty, Brutish and Long

The Republican debates are going from bad to worse—by design.

Jan 15, 2016 / John Nichols

Christie Continues to Defend the ‘National Embarrassment’ Who Has ‘Humiliated’ the State of Maine

Christie Continues to Defend the ‘National Embarrassment’ Who Has ‘Humiliated’ the State of Maine Christie Continues to Defend the ‘National Embarrassment’ Who Has ‘Humiliated’ the State of Maine

The Republican presidential contender should distance himself from a supporter whose statements have been decried as racist and xenophobic.

Jan 14, 2016 / John Nichols

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

The Awesome World of the Future The Awesome World of the Future

Where prejudice is nothing but a distant memory from a less enlightened era.

Jan 8, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow

Chris Christie, Paul LePage

Chris Christie Needs to Renounce the Endorsement of Maine’s ‘Overtly Racist’ Governor Chris Christie Needs to Renounce the Endorsement of Maine’s ‘Overtly Racist’ Governor

The Republican presidential contender should cut all ties to Paul LePage, who has out-Trumped Trump by engaging in crude racial stereotyping.

Jan 8, 2016 / John Nichols

Chris Christie Says He’d Shoot Down Russian Planes and Trigger War

Chris Christie Says He’d Shoot Down Russian Planes and Trigger War Chris Christie Says He’d Shoot Down Russian Planes and Trigger War

But even if we wanted World War III, would we want it run like New Jersey?

Dec 18, 2015 / Leslie Savan

Donald Trump

The Importance of Saying ‘No’ to Donald Trump The Importance of Saying ‘No’ to Donald Trump

CNN refuses to bend to Trump. Now, if only his fellow Republicans would do so.

Dec 4, 2015 / John Nichols

Tom Tomorrow

Ms. Fiorina, What Is Your Favorite Color? Ms. Fiorina, What Is Your Favorite Color?

And other questions from the GOP dream debate.

Nov 10, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

GOP Debate

Republican Candidates Beat the Populist Drum Republican Candidates Beat the Populist Drum

Big, powerful, corrupt bureaucracy works only for the big, powerful, wealthy, and well-connected—says big, powerful, wealthy, well-connected former CEO.  

Oct 29, 2015 / D.D. Guttenplan
