Civil Rights Movement

Slumming Toward Academia Slumming Toward Academia

Only the joy of capitalist expectation could move a pre-Reagan-born American to utter the line "civil rights is dead," let alone write a book devoted to that proposition.

Feb 27, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Armond White

Who Killed Emmett Till? Who Killed Emmett Till?

The summer before 14-year-old Trent Lott entered all-white Pascagoula High School in Mississippi, a 14-year-old black boy from Chicago named Emmett Till convinced his mother to let...

Jan 16, 2003 / Books & the Arts / David Holmberg and Rebecca Segall

Rethinking the Movement Rethinking the Movement

As any casual observer of mega-bookstore shelves knows, the history of the modern civil rights movement is a well-studied field.

Nov 26, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Eric Arnesen

H. Rap Brown/Jamil Al-Amin: A Profoundly American Story H. Rap Brown/Jamil Al-Amin: A Profoundly American Story

Die Nigger Die!, the autobiographical political memoir by H. Rap Brown, is a vital American historical document--historical almost in the sense of a message found in a time capsu...

Feb 28, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Ekwueme Michael Thelwell

The Beloved Community The Beloved Community

In this most emotionally charged of times, I think that many of the moral issues we face are overlaid by an oft-expressed tension between the need for security and the full prote...

Jan 24, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Patricia J. Williams

Misidentity Politics Misidentity Politics

The high point of liberal faith that the color line might be permanently breached may have been the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. From a participant's perspectiv...

Oct 19, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Stanley Aronowitz

The Last Steep Ascent

The Last Steep Ascent The Last Steep Ascent

New obstacles should not be deplored but welcomed because their presence proves we are closer to the ultimate decision.

Mar 11, 1966 / Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Let Justice Roll Down Let Justice Roll Down

"Those who expected a cheap victory in a climate of complacency were shocked into reality by Selma."

Mar 15, 1965 / Martin Luther King Jr.

Hammer of Civil Rights

Hammer of Civil Rights Hammer of Civil Rights

“Exactly one hundred years after Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation for them, Negroes wrote their own document of freedom in their own way.”

Mar 9, 1964 / Martin Luther King Jr.

Miracle in Alabama

Miracle in Alabama Miracle in Alabama

“An entire community has experienced a rebirth of freedom. The men and women who compose it now stand erect.”

Mar 3, 1956 / Carey McWilliams
