Tell the FCC: Prison Phone Companies Shouldn’t Profit Off Indigent Families Tell the FCC: Prison Phone Companies Shouldn’t Profit Off Indigent Families
Prison phone companies like Global Tel* Link get away with charging prisoners exorbitant rates just to keep in touch with their families. Tell the Federal Communications Commission...
Oct 1, 2013 / NationAction

Thinking Like a Conservative (Part Two): Biding Time on Voting Rights Thinking Like a Conservative (Part Two): Biding Time on Voting Rights
Pay attention when conservatives talk to one another: they reveal their sedulous plans.
Sep 26, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Reagan Republicans Freak Out Over ‘The Butler’ and Race Reagan Republicans Freak Out Over ‘The Butler’ and Race
The smartest thing about the new film The Butler is its depiction of Ronald Reagan’s inadequacies on civil rights—which is something conservatives can’t stand.
Sep 17, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Rick Perlstein

Hacking for Immigrant Rights Hacking for Immigrant Rights
How programmers, journalists and immigrant rights advocates are redefining hacking—for immigrant justice.
Sep 9, 2013 / Leticia Miranda

Breaking My Silence Breaking My Silence
For years I have written about mass incarceration, while staying mute about drones and other injustices. It is time to connect the dots.
Sep 4, 2013 / Michelle Alexander

March on Washington at 50: Commemoration vs. Movement March on Washington at 50: Commemoration vs. Movement
Representatives of the youth generation were cut from yesterday’s roster of speakers, but that won’t stop them from building a movement on their own.
Aug 29, 2013 / Mychal Denzel Smith

On the Anniversary of the March on Washington, a New Fight for Voting Rights On the Anniversary of the March on Washington, a New Fight for Voting Rights
The right to vote is under the most sustained attack since 1965, but civil rights activists are fighting back.
Aug 28, 2013 / Ari Berman

Martin Luther King and the Two 9/11s Martin Luther King and the Two 9/11s
Dr. King’s words in a world awash with surveillance.
Aug 27, 2013 / Ariel Dorfman

Rahm Emanuel’s Minority-Bashing School Closings Go Forward Rahm Emanuel’s Minority-Bashing School Closings Go Forward
A federal trial rules against the forces of decency in Chicago—despite evidence that the closing of 50 schools is racist and illegal.
Aug 26, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

An Unfulfilled Dream From the March on Washington: Labor Rights for Domestic Work An Unfulfilled Dream From the March on Washington: Labor Rights for Domestic Work
Home care workers are still excluded from federal labor laws fifty years after protesters demanded inclusion.
Aug 26, 2013 / Bryce Covert