Massacre and Reprisal in a Shattered Iraq Massacre and Reprisal in a Shattered Iraq
The refugee crisis is growing as civilians flee a war that is drawing ethnic and religious borders in blood.
May 29, 2015 / Jesse Rosenfeld

‘Anyone You See, You Shoot’: Israeli Soldiers Recall the 2014 Gaza War ‘Anyone You See, You Shoot’: Israeli Soldiers Recall the 2014 Gaza War
A new report from the Israeli veterans group Breaking the Silence says the IDF fails to distinguish between civilians and combatants.
May 11, 2015 / Ben Hattem

Was the US Complicit in Ethnic Cleansing in Syria? Was the US Complicit in Ethnic Cleansing in Syria?
Reliance on self-interested local allies plagues US targeting in its foreign wars, Syria edition.
May 8, 2015 / Ali Gharib

Drones, Cops, and the Unaccountable Machinery of Death Drones, Cops, and the Unaccountable Machinery of Death
From signature strikes in Pakistan to police violence in Baltimore, the state is seemingly uninterested in even counting how many people it kills.
Apr 29, 2015 / The Editors

As the War Escalates, Yemen Risks Disintegration, With No End in Sight As the War Escalates, Yemen Risks Disintegration, With No End in Sight
‘‘My family is completely destroyed, we have no more hope in life.’’
Apr 10, 2015 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous

Libya’s Humanitarian Catastrophe Libya’s Humanitarian Catastrophe
With growing food, fuel and power shortages, civilians struggle to survive in a country torn apart by warring militias.
Mar 5, 2015 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous

The Lethal Legacy of the Vietnam War The Lethal Legacy of the Vietnam War
Fifty years after the first US troops came ashore at Da Nang, the Vietnamese are still coping with unexploded bombs and Agent Orange.
Feb 25, 2015 / Feature / George Black

Why Syrian Refugees Risk the ‘Journey of Death’ to Europe Why Syrian Refugees Risk the ‘Journey of Death’ to Europe
The crisis shows no signs of ending, and Egypt is no refuge. Europe must do more to take them in.
Feb 11, 2015 / Feature / Priyanka Motaparthy

Grim Reapers Grim Reapers
Drones have taken on a life of their own in popular culture.
Nov 11, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Jenna Krajeski

Finally, a Verdict on Blackwater’s Nisour Square Shooters Finally, a Verdict on Blackwater’s Nisour Square Shooters
Accountability for the massacre in Iraq is a start—but we should also be talking about reducing reliance on private military contractors.
Oct 29, 2014 / The Editors