Corporate media

TNR’s New Owners TNR’s New Owners

No matter what you think of The New Republic's politics, the public sphere will suffer if the magazine becomes homogenized by its new corporate owner.

Mar 6, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Clint Hendler

Sold to Mr. Gordon, Another Bridge! Sold to Mr. Gordon, Another Bridge!

The New York Times's credulous reporting of flimsy "evidence" regarding Iranian weapons in Iraq is enabling Bush's anti-Iran propaganda drive.

Feb 15, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Media Reform’s Moment Media Reform’s Moment

The time is right to upend big media's agenda.

Jan 12, 2007 / The Editors

Point, No Counterpoint: The Conservative Beat Point, No Counterpoint: The Conservative Beat

The New York Times editors do a service by covering right-wingers: It would make sense to similarly cover progressives. Why don't they?

Dec 7, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman

MoDo, Deconstructed MoDo, Deconstructed

Maureen Dowd's political analysis is devilishly smart and viciously funny--but the New York Times columnist really should spend less time on the couch.

Nov 21, 2006 / Feature / Simon Maxwell Apter

Crisis at Libération Crisis at Libération

Beset with financial woes, a labor-management power struggle and an aging leftist readership, the legendary French newspaper is on the brink of extinction.

Nov 16, 2006 / K.A. Dilday

The Death of News The Death of News

In cities across America, reporters are being laid off, TV stations are cutting back coverage and the newspaper industry is crumbling to dust. When it all shakes out, will Wikipedi...

Nov 15, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

The End of Times? The End of Times?

Journalism's in crisis, crushed by Wall Street and tarnished by a failure of nerve. As newspapers die and fake news proliferates, who will provide reliable information vital to a f...

Oct 26, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman

Election Night From Hell Election Night From Hell

As Fox News marks its tenth birthday, recall the fateful night in November 2000 that its election desk broke all the rules reporting the election of George W. Bush. Will Fox do it ...

Oct 25, 2006 / Books & the Arts / David W. Moore

What’s Wrong With this Picture? What’s Wrong With this Picture?

FCC commissioners heard testimony in New York this week about how media consolidation stifles diversity, grassroots community and the creativity of independent musicians and artist...

Oct 21, 2006 / Feature / Kristal Brent Zook
