Corporate media

Robert Silvers

The Rebirth of the NYRB The Rebirth of the NYRB

The highbrow literary magazine has re-emerged as a combative political actor.

May 20, 2004 / Feature / Scott Sherman

Is Koppel a Commie? Is Koppel a Commie?

The Sinclair Broadcast Group, a Maryland-based media company whose holdings include sixty-two TV stations, did the country a favor when it refused to air the April 30 special e...

May 6, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman

Dishonest, Moronic or Both? Dishonest, Moronic or Both?

Grover Norquist, the right's premier political organizer, once told me that the most significant difference between liberal journalists and conservative journalists is that t...

Apr 8, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman

Laughing With Bush Laughing With Bush

When George W.

Apr 1, 2004 / David Corn

Widows and Orphans First… Widows and Orphans First…

The beast will not die.

Mar 25, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman

The (Not So) Gay Old Times The (Not So) Gay Old Times

AMPLIFICATION: Because of space constraints and incautious wording in my column last week, I referred to the Times's "Jayson Blair/Gerald Boyd problem." I intended to refer to th...

Mar 11, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman

Press Watch Press Watch

The conduct of our major newspapers in the run-up to the Iraq war calls to mind William Hazlitt's famous appraisal of the Times of London.

Feb 26, 2004 / Scott Sherman

Dean’s Rough Ride Dean’s Rough Ride

In forty years of observing presidential contests, I cannot remember another major candidate brutalized so intensely by the media, with the possible exception of George Wallace.

Feb 19, 2004 / William Greider

Trade Wins Trade Wins

Paul Wellstone would have loved the turn the race for the Democratic presidential nomination has taken.

Feb 19, 2004 / John Nichols

What Are They Reading? What Are They Reading?

John Hess, who, it should be said, is one of The Nation's oldest friends and severest critics, once complained to me about an "editor's choice" blurb I'd written, which containe...

Feb 18, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Richard Lingeman
