The Pentagon Has a Small Coup Problem The Pentagon Has a Small Coup Problem
The Department of Defense has trained more than a hundred foreign militaries that went on to stage coups in their home countries.
Aug 11, 2017 / Nick Turse

A Guide to Trump’s $1 Trillion Defense Bill A Guide to Trump’s $1 Trillion Defense Bill
This from a president who promised new efficiencies in government.
Jul 25, 2017 / William D. Hartung

Paul Ryan Hands Donald Trump a Blank Check for Endless War Paul Ryan Hands Donald Trump a Blank Check for Endless War
The Speaker and his allies block Barbara Lee’s drive to check presidential war making.
Jul 20, 2017 / John Nichols

The Military Now Runs US Foreign Policy The Military Now Runs US Foreign Policy
And as Trump’s recent turnabout shows, the establishment will brook no dissent from the reigning orthodoxy.
May 2, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence

It’s Groundhog Day in Washington, With Trump Peddling the Same Old Reaganite Snake Oil It’s Groundhog Day in Washington, With Trump Peddling the Same Old Reaganite Snake Oil
Tax cuts for the wealthy didn’t increase government revenue then, and they’re not going to now. It’s mourning again in America.
Apr 28, 2017 / William Greider

Building a New Movement Against Militarism Building a New Movement Against Militarism
As Martin Luther King Jr. noted 50 years ago, you can’t fight militarism unless you also fight racism and materialism.
Apr 12, 2017 / Phyllis Bennis and Stephen Miles

Donald Trump Is Focused on the Wrong National-Security Threat Donald Trump Is Focused on the Wrong National-Security Threat
There are actual dangers to Americans in 2017—but the president’s plans address none of them.
Mar 30, 2017 / Rajan Menon

Trump’s Military Ambitions Could Be Bad News for the Infrastructure He Promised to Improve Trump’s Military Ambitions Could Be Bad News for the Infrastructure He Promised to Improve
Proposed hikes in Pentagon spending wouldn’t just be a foreign-policy blunder—they would also accelerate inequality at home.
Feb 2, 2017 / William D. Hartung

The Alliance for Prosperity Will Intensify the Central American Refugee Crisis The Alliance for Prosperity Will Intensify the Central American Refugee Crisis
Conceived without the participation of civil-society groups, the chief goal is to advance elite US and Northern Triangle business interests.
Dec 21, 2016 / Dawn Paley

Trump’s Victory Is Great News for the Defense Industry Trump’s Victory Is Great News for the Defense Industry
A Pentagon spending binge is on the horizon.
Nov 22, 2016 / William D. Hartung