Democratic Socialists of America

Omar Fateh

The Next Progressive Insurgent You Haven’t Heard of Yet The Next Progressive Insurgent You Haven’t Heard of Yet

In the district where George Floyd was killed, Omar Fateh wants to bring the progressive wave to the state legislature.

Aug 6, 2020 / Caleb Brennan

DSA Was Only Getting Started

DSA Was Only Getting Started DSA Was Only Getting Started

Two years after helping propel AOC to victory in Queens, NYC-DSA is taking on more races than ever before. 

May 20, 2020 / Raina Lipsitz

Howie Hawkins and Joe Biden

What Should Socialists Do in November? What Should Socialists Do in November?

Pursue an electoral strategy that can represent the distinct interests of working people without demanding that voters start immediately supporting unviable third-party candidacies...

May 4, 2020 / Bhaskar Sunkara

Howie Hawkins

WTF Is Jacobin’s Editor Thinking in Voting Green? WTF Is "Jacobin"’s Editor Thinking in Voting Green?

Bhaskar Sunkara’s stance is self-indulgent—an individual act of virtue signaling rather than part of a collective movement for justice.

Apr 28, 2020 / Peter Dreier

womens strike dsa

Responses to an ‘Open Letter to the New New Left’ Responses to an ‘Open Letter to the New New Left’

A recent open letter signed by former members of SDS has sparked a heated debate on the left.

Apr 27, 2020 / David Duhalde and Mike Davis

An Open Letter to the New New Left From the Old New Left

An Open Letter to the New New Left From the Old New Left An Open Letter to the New New Left From the Old New Left

Now it is time for all those who yearn for a more equal and just social order to face facts.

Apr 16, 2020 / Former leaders of the Students for a Democratic Society

The Future of Democratic Socialism Starts Here

The Future of Democratic Socialism Starts Here The Future of Democratic Socialism Starts Here

Scenes from this year’s Young Democratic Socialists of America conference in Chicago.

Feb 19, 2020 / Alan Maass

NYC-DSA protest

Meet the New DSA-Backed Candidates Running to Give Power Back to the People in New York State Meet the New DSA-Backed Candidates Running to Give Power Back to the People in New York State

DSA’s diverse slate of candidates will bring the energy and ideas we need to keep winning big, bold change in the halls of Albany.

Jan 30, 2020 / Cynthia Nixon

Imaage of Michael Harrington next to an image of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Why American Socialism Failed—and How It Could Prevail Today Why American Socialism Failed—and How It Could Prevail Today

Today’s socialists march into the 2020s without the daunting roadblocks of a century ago.

Jan 30, 2020 / Ross Barkan

AOC Knows What She’s Doing

AOC Knows What She’s Doing AOC Knows What She’s Doing

What are the risks and benefits of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement of Bernie Sanders?

Oct 16, 2019 / Jeffrey C. Isaac
