For Immigrants, the Obama Era Has Been Long and Maddening For Immigrants, the Obama Era Has Been Long and Maddening
And in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling, there is no good answer to the question, What now?
Jun 27, 2016 / Julianne Hing
The North Carolina 6 and the Targeting of Black and Brown Youth The North Carolina 6 and the Targeting of Black and Brown Youth
#BlackLivesMatter, #ImmigrantLivesMatter, and this criminalization must stop.
Jun 24, 2016 / Rebekah Barber
The Supreme Court Won’t Let Obama’s Immigration Executive Action Proceed The Supreme Court Won’t Let Obama’s Immigration Executive Action Proceed
The ruling means 4 million undocumented immigrants remain in limbo.
Jun 23, 2016 / Julianne Hing
The Wealthiest, Most Democratic Countries Are Taking in Only a Fraction of the World’s Refugee Population The Wealthiest, Most Democratic Countries Are Taking in Only a Fraction of the World’s Refugee Population
The way a society treats its newest arrivals is a test of its democracy. And we’re failing.
May 18, 2016 / Michelle Chen
The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees The EU Is Now Criminalizing Refugees
The move to detention rather than welcome has led to a rapid downward spiral in conditions.
Apr 20, 2016 / Lydia Wilson
Family Sues Private-Prison Operator Over Deaths at Immigrant-Only Facilities Family Sues Private-Prison Operator Over Deaths at Immigrant-Only Facilities
An investigation found dozens of questionable deaths related to cost cutting in privatized federal prisons.
Mar 15, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler
What’s the Difference Between a Refugee and a Deportee? A Lawyer. What’s the Difference Between a Refugee and a Deportee? A Lawyer.
Prompted by the ongoing crisis of child migrants from Central American, Senate Democrats are trying to get due process for “vulnerable” asylum seekers.
Feb 13, 2016 / Julianne Hing
The 25 Men Whose Lives Ended Under Questionable Circumstances The 25 Men Whose Lives Ended Under Questionable Circumstances
Medical doctors agreed that inadequate care likely contributed to the premature deaths of these men inside the Bureau of Prison’s private facilities.
Jan 28, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler
A Guide to Our Investigation of Deaths Inside the Federal Bureau of Prison’s Immigrant-Only Facilities A Guide to Our Investigation of Deaths Inside the Federal Bureau of Prison’s Immigrant-Only Facilities
The basics on how and why this system exists.
Jan 28, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler
The Stage Is Set for the Final Immigration Battle of the Obama Era The Stage Is Set for the Final Immigration Battle of the Obama Era
The Supreme Court’s ruling will either shut down debate over immigration reform for the foreseeable future—or offer a new president the chance to act boldly.
Jan 20, 2016 / Julianne Hing