
Julian Bond

Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future

When the civil-rights leader was nominated for vice president in 1968, we got a glimpse of the new politics.

Aug 17, 2015 / John Nichols

Students of color

Why 100 Black Intellectuals Rallied Behind This Professor Why 100 Black Intellectuals Rallied Behind This Professor

Many black intellectuals want and need to engage with an audience outside the ivory tower—but these public conversations leave them vulnerable to attack.

Jul 14, 2015 / Dani McClain

Google Sign

Increasing Diversity in Tech Will Take a Lot More Than Promises Increasing Diversity in Tech Will Take a Lot More Than Promises

Facebook and Google have been trying to increase diversity for a year, to little result.

Jun 30, 2015 / Bryce Covert

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is applauded

We Need to Do More Than Fix the Pipeline to Get Parity for Women in Office We Need to Do More Than Fix the Pipeline to Get Parity for Women in Office

Without Title IX, women athletes would not have had the opportunities that they do today. We need a similar movement for women candidates.

Jun 19, 2015 / Cynthia Terrell

How the Movement to Unseat Rahm Emanuel Is Challenging ‘1 Percent’ Urbanism

How the Movement to Unseat Rahm Emanuel Is Challenging ‘1 Percent’ Urbanism How the Movement to Unseat Rahm Emanuel Is Challenging ‘1 Percent’ Urbanism

As Chuy Garcia gains momentum, another city seems possible.

Mar 4, 2015 / John Nichols

Dori Maynard and the Unfinished Business of Integrating the News

Dori Maynard and the Unfinished Business of Integrating the News Dori Maynard and the Unfinished Business of Integrating the News

Maynard was a champion of the idea that newsrooms needed to reflect the communities they covered and served.

Feb 26, 2015 / Dani McClain

How the Left Failed France’s Muslims

How the Left Failed France’s Muslims How the Left Failed France’s Muslims

When the left abdicated its outreach to marginalized communities, the Islamists moved in.

Feb 6, 2015 / Walden Bello and Foreign Policy In Focus
