Donald Trump

This Is How Immigration Reform Happened 50 Years Ago. It Can Happen Again.

This Is How Immigration Reform Happened 50 Years Ago. It Can Happen Again. This Is How Immigration Reform Happened 50 Years Ago. It Can Happen Again.

Recalling the civil-rights history of the Hart-Celler Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 can help us think about how to change immigration policy today.

Oct 2, 2015 / Mae Ngai

trump iran rally

Donald Trump Is a True Candidate of the .00001 Percent Donald Trump Is a True Candidate of the .00001 Percent

The real question is: How has The Donald made it this far in the race?

Oct 1, 2015 / Nomi Prins

Sanders and Trump Offer Two Roads Out of Establishment Politics—Which Will We Follow?

Sanders and Trump Offer Two Roads Out of Establishment Politics—Which Will We Follow? Sanders and Trump Offer Two Roads Out of Establishment Politics—Which Will We Follow?

In their very different ways—hope and inclusiveness vs. rancid nostalgia and bigotry—the two candidates are competing for overlapping pools of discontented voters.

Sep 28, 2015 / William Greider

Donald Trump flag

What Trump and Carson Get Wrong: Islam Is As American as Apple Pie What Trump and Carson Get Wrong: Islam Is As American as Apple Pie

Since the very beginning, Islam has always been part of the social fabric of this country.

Sep 25, 2015 / Joshua Holland

How Pope Francis Vindicated the Immigrant Rights Movement

How Pope Francis Vindicated the Immigrant Rights Movement How Pope Francis Vindicated the Immigrant Rights Movement

By framing immigration as a moral challenge, rather than a criminal one, activists say the pope reinforced much of the work they are doing to challenge dehumanizing rhetoric.

Sep 24, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Scott Walker Campaign

Union Busting Was a Bust for Scott Walker’s Presidential Run Union Busting Was a Bust for Scott Walker’s Presidential Run

The failed candidate’s core message did not resonate, and he had nothing else to offer.

Sep 22, 2015 / John Nichols

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Dawn of the Donald Dawn of the Donald

He wants to make America great again! It says so on his hat!

Sep 22, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

What once seemed unexpected is no longer unthinkable.

Sep 22, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Nothing Is Inevitable in Politics Anymore

Nothing Is Inevitable in Politics Anymore Nothing Is Inevitable in Politics Anymore

The rise of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump reveals what is hopeful—and troubling—about this political moment.

Sep 21, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Ben Carson Speech

Dr. Ben Carson Isn’t Just Disrespecting Muslims—He’s Disregarding the Constitution Dr. Ben Carson Isn’t Just Disrespecting Muslims—He’s Disregarding the Constitution

A Republican says Muslims should not serve as president, but the Constitution says “no religious test shall ever be required.”

Sep 21, 2015 / John Nichols
