Biden’s Buddy Tom Vilsack Is No Friend to Farmers Biden’s Buddy Tom Vilsack Is No Friend to Farmers
Confirming him as secretary of agriculture adds insult to the Democratic Party’s long record of malign neglect toward rural Americans.
Jan 28, 2021 / Emily Berch

Housing Is a Right. During a Pandemic, It’s Also a Fight. Housing Is a Right. During a Pandemic, It’s Also a Fight.
In California’s agricultural heartland, farmworkers are fighting back against expensive rents, substandard housing, and economic disenfranchisement.
Jan 12, 2021 / Photo Essay / David Bacon

Want to Win Rural Voters? Fight Big Ag. Want to Win Rural Voters? Fight Big Ag.
Too many Democrats are missing on an issue fundamental to farmers: the consolidation of the agriculture sector.
Oct 27, 2020 / Brian Barth

In California’s Agricultural Heartland, a Mayor Is Running on Compassion In California’s Agricultural Heartland, a Mayor Is Running on Compassion
Maria Orozco, the mayor of a small farming town, is fighting to protect her constituents, regardless of immigration status.
Oct 13, 2020 / Photo Essay / Wesaam Al-Badry and Magnum Foundation

Can Kentucky Slip the Industry Ties That Prevent Change? Can Kentucky Slip the Industry Ties That Prevent Change?
Mitch McConnell’s state is at a climate crossroads—and it’s energizing young people to act.
Sep 25, 2020 / Andrew McCormick

The Immokalee Way: Protecting Farmworkers Amid a Pandemic The Immokalee Way: Protecting Farmworkers Amid a Pandemic
While some companies do everything to escape accountability, the Fair Food Program proves there’s an alternative.
Sep 14, 2020 / John Bowe

How Covid-19 Is Changing the Way We Work How Covid-19 Is Changing the Way We Work
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed deep and unexamined assumptions about the nature and value of work in the United States.
Jul 24, 2020 / Rebecca Gordon

The Lunacy of Global Seafood Supply Chains The Lunacy of Global Seafood Supply Chains
Scenes from a pandemic: 8
May 20, 2020 / Jennifer C. Berkshire

Without Farmworkers You Wouldn’t Eat Without Farmworkers You Wouldn’t Eat
But stimulus packages aren’t providing the necessary support for them to do their jobs safely.
Apr 27, 2020 / Jim Goodman

‘We Were Asking Ourselves, How Can We Support Black Farmers?’ ‘We Were Asking Ourselves, How Can We Support Black Farmers?’
Scenes from a pandemic: 4
Apr 22, 2020 / Cynthia Greenlee