
Paris Attacks Will Bolster the Right-Wing Front National

Paris Attacks Will Bolster the Right-Wing Front National Paris Attacks Will Bolster the Right-Wing Front National

The sad irony of terrorism is that it sparks a backlash against the very groups it seeks to champion.

Jan 14, 2015 / Beneath the Radar / Gary Younge

Ukraine’s Far Right Loses Big, but Europe’s Russian-Backed Fascists Make Major Gains

Ukraine’s Far Right Loses Big, but Europe’s Russian-Backed Fascists Make Major Gains Ukraine’s Far Right Loses Big, but Europe’s Russian-Backed Fascists Make Major Gains

The crisis in Ukraine winds down in the wake of Poroshenko’s chocolate-covered win.

May 30, 2014 / Blog / Bob Dreyfuss

How a Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant Party Became France’s ‘New Normal’

How a Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant Party Became France’s ‘New Normal’ How a Far-Right, Anti-Immigrant Party Became France’s ‘New Normal’

For the first time in recorded history, the ultra-right-wing National Front came first in a national election.

May 28, 2014 / Cécile Alduy

The Republican Party’s Goal Is to Destroy the Federal Government

The Republican Party’s Goal Is to Destroy the Federal Government The Republican Party’s Goal Is to Destroy the Federal Government

For years, their driving ambition has been to get government “down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.”  

Apr 24, 2003 / Feature / William Greider
