Taking Liberties Taking Liberties
On April 20, Solicitor General Ted Olson told the Supreme Court that the federal courts could not question the indefinite detention of "enemy combatants" held at Guantánam...
Apr 22, 2004 / David Cole
Pastrami & Champagne Pastrami & Champagne
Three decades ago Winston Churchill's grandson asked Ariel Sharon how Israel should deal with the Palestinians. "We'll make a pastrami sandwich out of them," he replied.
Apr 22, 2004 / Adam Shatz and Roane Carey
With God on His Side… With God on His Side…
So, it was a holy war, a new crusade. No wonder George W. Bush could lie to Congress and the American public with such impunity while keeping the key members of his Cabinet in th...
Apr 21, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer
Prime-Time Fables Prime-Time Fables
George W. Bush believes in the Easter Bunny--that is, those weapons of mass destruction.
Apr 15, 2004 / The Editors
Dishonest, Moronic or Both? Dishonest, Moronic or Both?
Grover Norquist, the right's premier political organizer, once told me that the most significant difference between liberal journalists and conservative journalists is that t...
Apr 8, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman
I Can’t Appear Without My Nanny Dick I Can’t Appear Without My Nanny Dick
(George W. Bush explains the interview arrangements he's made with the 9/11 Commission)
Apr 8, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Bush, AIDS, Big Pharma Bush, AIDS, Big Pharma
When George W. Bush announced a $15 billion Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief in his 2003 State of the Union address, he compared the fight against AIDS to the war on terrorism.
Apr 8, 2004 / The Editors
Bush’s ‘Rat List’ Bush’s ‘Rat List’
Nixon kept his famous "enemies list." Now George W.
Apr 1, 2004 / The Editors