The Warning Game The Warning Game
The question is not the 1970s cliché, What did the President know and when did he know it? The appropriate query is, What did US intelligence know--and what did the Pre...
May 23, 2002 / David Corn
September 11 Questions September 11 Questions
George W. Bush, it is true, did not create the FBI's smug, insular, muscle-bound bureaucracy or the CIA's well-known penchant for loopy spy tips and wrongheaded geopolitical analy...
May 23, 2002 / The Editors
The New Politics of September 11 The New Politics of September 11
Since September 11, George W. Bush's political team and their Republican allies have used every trick to exploit the tragedy for political advantage.
May 17, 2002 / John Nichols
US and Evil Axis–Allies for Abstinence US and Evil Axis–Allies for Abstinence
President Dubya loves to crusade against the "axis of evil" in his war on terrorism--but he formed an unholy alliance with the countries that make up the "axis" to declare war on...
May 16, 2002 / Feature / Doug Ireland
Journeys With Fecklessness Journeys With Fecklessness
The essential mystery of the 2000 election has always been this: How in the world did George W. Bush ever get close enough to invite the Republican-appointed majority on the Su...
May 16, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman
Lights Out on Bush’s Excuses Lights Out on Bush’s Excuses
Now that the Enron culprits have been caught red-handed, might not the media inquire of the President whether he takes any responsibility for nearly bankrupting California by ref...
May 15, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Unmaking of the President Unmaking of the President
The ineffable good luck of George W. Bush seems to be faltering at last. The man became President by an electoral accident that resembled theft. His stock was sinking, his agenda ...
Apr 25, 2002 / The Editors
Stealth Vouchers Stealth Vouchers
While most of the media focused, with good reason, on the huge increase in military spending and dramatic cuts in domestic programs in President Bush's $2.1 trillion budget propos...
Mar 22, 2002 / Feature / Bill Berkowitz
Bush Goes Nuclear Bush Goes Nuclear
George W. Bush went out of his way to praise America's allies in his speech marking the six-month anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. In a clear...
Mar 14, 2002 / The Editors
Bush’s Enron Deal Bush’s Enron Deal
Did George W. Bush once have a financial relationship with Enron? In 1986, according to a publicly available record, the two drilled for oil together--at a time when Bush was a n...
Mar 7, 2002 / David Corn