If They Walk Like Fascists and Talk Like Fascists… If They Walk Like Fascists and Talk Like Fascists…
Attacking science, forcing people back to work, closing the border, suppressing the vote—the Trump/GOP strategy looks increasingly like white nationalist accelerationism.
May 15, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Confronting the Pandemic in a Time of Revolt: Voices From Chile Confronting the Pandemic in a Time of Revolt: Voices From Chile
Surviving the coronavirus will be meaningless if Chileans do not simultaneously address the underlying causes of injustice and inequality.
Apr 6, 2020 / Ariel Dorfman

Covid-19: Cuba Deserves Relief From US Sanctions Covid-19: Cuba Deserves Relief From US Sanctions
Humanitarian deterrence of the virus, not Cold War–era regime change, should be the top priority of US foreign policy.
Mar 31, 2020 / Peter Kornbluh

The Sudanese Ousted a Dictator Last Year—Why Is Washington Still Imposing Sanctions? The Sudanese Ousted a Dictator Last Year—Why Is Washington Still Imposing Sanctions?
Middle East scholar Stephen Zunes talks about Sudan’s hopeful but uncertain future in the wake of its peaceful democratic revolution.
Mar 20, 2020 / Q&A / Mitchell Plitnick

Trump Has Dropped the Pretense of Playing by the Rules of Democracy Trump Has Dropped the Pretense of Playing by the Rules of Democracy
He’s gambling that every agency that could put the brakes on his power grab is too cowed or compromised to stop him.
Feb 21, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Confirmed: Elliott Abrams’s Defense of Mass Murder Was Based on Lies Confirmed: Elliott Abrams’s Defense of Mass Murder Was Based on Lies
The reporters who covered the El Mozote massacre were right all along.
Jan 30, 2020 / Eric Alterman

The US Sanctions on Iran Are Causing a Major Humanitarian Crisis The US Sanctions on Iran Are Causing a Major Humanitarian Crisis
There has been a catastrophic drop in living standards, and the deterioration in public health warrants immediate action by the international community.
Jan 21, 2020 / Ahmad Jalalpour

Sanctions Are Economic Warfare Sanctions Are Economic Warfare
Trump used his Iran speech to say the US is “ready to embrace peace with all who seek it.” But the crippling sanctions he proposes will only make things worse.
Jan 9, 2020 / John Nichols

President Scrooge and His Dickensian Cabal President Scrooge and His Dickensian Cabal
The administration’s holiday greeting is a plan to slash food stamp benefits for roughly 700,000 unemployed Americans.
Dec 25, 2019 / John Nichols

What Never-Ending War Does to Kids What Never-Ending War Does to Kids
In expanding the reach of its military involvement, the United States has left a generation of children traumatized.
Dec 23, 2019 / Andrea Mazzarino