Haitians Are Rising Up Against the Stolen Elections Haitians Are Rising Up Against the Stolen Elections
The country is dominated more than ever by MREs—Morally Repugnant Elites—and post-earthquake aid from Washington, guided by the Clintons, has mostly benefited American subcontracto...
Nov 13, 2015 / James North

Burma: Democracy with an Asterisk? Burma: Democracy with an Asterisk?
Burma’s Constitution awards a quarter of its Parliament to the military. But that’s not Aung San Suu Kyi’s biggest problem by a long shot.
Nov 11, 2015 / John Feffer

14 Years After ‘Liberation,’ Afghan Women Are Suffering More Than Ever 14 Years After ‘Liberation,’ Afghan Women Are Suffering More Than Ever
A look at Afghanistan “after” the American war.
Nov 5, 2015 / Ann Jones

The US Can’t Abandon Iranian Human Rights Activists Now The US Can’t Abandon Iranian Human Rights Activists Now
The nuclear deal with Iran could fall apart if moderates lose political footing.
Nov 4, 2015 / Matthew Duss

What If Your Tap Water Was Too Polluted to Drink? What If Your Tap Water Was Too Polluted to Drink?
This sorry state of affairs is the daily reality for too many Americans.
Oct 30, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse. Haiti’s Earthquake Was Devastating. The Cholera Epidemic Was Worse.
If someone had poisoned New York’s water supply and killed 9,000 people, it would have been the most litigated public health disaster of all time. But when it happened in Haiti? No...
Oct 16, 2015 / Fran Quigley

Why the State Department Finally Confirmed Augusto Pinochet’s Role in International Terrorism Why the State Department Finally Confirmed Augusto Pinochet’s Role in International Terrorism
It’s a great way of using US documents to advance the cause of human rights and redress Washington’s dark, interventionist past.
Oct 13, 2015 / Peter Kornbluh

The US Massacre in Kunduz Exposes the Bankruptcy of Obama’s National-Security Policy The US Massacre in Kunduz Exposes the Bankruptcy of Obama’s National-Security Policy
Air power inflicts horrific human-rights violations and has been thoroughly discredited as a means of fighting insurgencies.
Oct 6, 2015 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

‘Look for Hospitals as Targets’ ‘Look for Hospitals as Targets’
The historical record suggests that the US bombing of an Afghan hospital may not have been an accident.
Oct 5, 2015 / Greg Grandin

How Did New Orleans’s Vietnamese Americans Recover After Katrina? How Did New Orleans’s Vietnamese Americans Recover After Katrina?
The community’s success is a model for solidarity across race and class in the face of natural disaster and political disenfranchisement.
Sep 30, 2015 / Michelle Chen