Immigration detention centers

Chaldean Iraqis protest ICE

ICE Is Terrorizing Iraqi-American Communities ICE Is Terrorizing Iraqi-American Communities

The immigration-enforcement agency has launched a deportation campaign involving coercion, “demonstrably false” court declarations, and outright lies.

Mar 8, 2019 / Chris Gelardi

‘A New Horror’: Sikh Men Go on Hunger Strike in ICE Custody

‘A New Horror’: Sikh Men Go on Hunger Strike in ICE Custody ‘A New Horror’: Sikh Men Go on Hunger Strike in ICE Custody

We watched one hunger striker, seemingly on the brink of death, collapse in front of us.

Mar 7, 2019 / Margaret Brown Vega and Nathan Craig

Immigrants Are Fighting for Their Rights Even Behind Bars

Immigrants Are Fighting for Their Rights Even Behind Bars Immigrants Are Fighting for Their Rights Even Behind Bars

Hunger strikers in ICE’s El Paso detention center are demanding that their voices be heard.

Feb 15, 2019 / Michelle Chen

Why Does Trump Want to Terminate Temporary Protected Status?

Why Does Trump Want to Terminate Temporary Protected Status? Why Does Trump Want to Terminate Temporary Protected Status?

He plans to expel hundreds of thousands of refugees who have become productive members of American society. But they’re fighting back.

Jan 25, 2019 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

US-Mexico Border

Let’s Tally the Damage of the Past Six Months Let’s Tally the Damage of the Past Six Months

We should not lose sight of the real human cost of the manufactured border crisis.

Jan 24, 2019 / Column / Kai Wright

Migrant camp in Vordingborg

‘Social Death’ in Denmark ‘Social Death’ in Denmark

The European country is isolating and excluding asylum seekers until they disappear from society completely.

Jan 20, 2019 / Nicholas Mirzoeff

Kirstjen Nielsen

Kirstjen Nielsen Lied to Congress About Trump’s War on Migrant Children Kirstjen Nielsen Lied to Congress About Trump’s War on Migrant Children

Senator Jeff Merkley is demanding a perjury inquiry. And he’s got documents that point to shameful wrongdoing.

Jan 18, 2019 / John Nichols

Migrants ICE Drop-Off

ICE Put El Paso on the Brink of a Humanitarian Crisis ICE Put El Paso on the Brink of a Humanitarian Crisis

The immigration agency spent the holidays releasing hundreds of refugees onto the streets of El Paso. Asylum seekers deserve better.

Jan 11, 2019 / Todd A. Curry

Snapshot: Jakelin Caal Maquin

Snapshot: Jakelin Caal Maquin Snapshot: Jakelin Caal Maquin

Jakelin Caal Maquin, a 7-year-old Guatemalan girl, died two days after she was taken into US Border Patrol custody. According to the United Nations, migrant deaths have increased u…

Dec 21, 2018 / the Caal Family

Fish market

We Have Entered A Dangerous Moral Universe We Have Entered A Dangerous Moral Universe

What futures can we imagine when we no longer trust our senses?

Dec 19, 2018 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
