Immigration detention centers

The True Story of a Texas Prison Riot

The True Story of a Texas Prison Riot The True Story of a Texas Prison Riot

And how our rush to lock up immigrants has overwhelmed the federal prison system.

Jun 23, 2015 / Investigation / Seth Freed Wessler

Concentration Camps in the Dominican Republic?

Concentration Camps in the Dominican Republic? Concentration Camps in the Dominican Republic?

With mass deportations looming, Dominicans of Haitian descent live in constant fear of detainment.

Jun 15, 2015 / Greg Grandin

A 2-Day Revolt at a Texas Private Prison Reveals Everything That’s Wrong with Criminalizing Immigration

A 2-Day Revolt at a Texas Private Prison Reveals Everything That’s Wrong with Criminalizing Immigration A 2-Day Revolt at a Texas Private Prison Reveals Everything That’s Wrong with Criminalizing Immigration

The uprising puts the spotlight on the cozy relationship between private prison corporations and the nation’s immigration enforcement machinery.

Feb 24, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Who Profits From Plans to Lock Up More Immigrant Families? Private Prison Companies

Who Profits From Plans to Lock Up More Immigrant Families? Private Prison Companies Who Profits From Plans to Lock Up More Immigrant Families? Private Prison Companies

Human rights groups are alarmed by the administration’s proposal to dramatically expand family detention for undocumented women and children.

Sep 30, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

The US Keeps 34,000 Immigrants in Detention Each Day Simply to Meet a Quota

The US Keeps 34,000 Immigrants in Detention Each Day Simply to Meet a Quota The US Keeps 34,000 Immigrants in Detention Each Day Simply to Meet a Quota

It’s time for Congress to eliminate the immigrant detention mandate.

Aug 13, 2014 / Robert M. Morgenthau

Yes, Mr. President, the Border Kids Are Refugees

Yes, Mr. President, the Border Kids Are Refugees Yes, Mr. President, the Border Kids Are Refugees

The 52,000 unaccompanied children who have shown up at the border are fleeing gang violence and have valid claims to asylum.

Jul 16, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

The GOP’s Completely Incoherent Stance on the Border Crisis

The GOP’s Completely Incoherent Stance on the Border Crisis The GOP’s Completely Incoherent Stance on the Border Crisis

Now that Obama has asked for nearly $4 billion to help kick the kids out more quickly, Republicans don’t want to pony up the money.

Jul 10, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Human Rights Groups Blast Obama’s Plan to Open New Immigrant Family Detention Centers

Human Rights Groups Blast Obama’s Plan to Open New Immigrant Family Detention Centers Human Rights Groups Blast Obama’s Plan to Open New Immigrant Family Detention Centers

“We’re really concerned that these detention centers…will not be under compliance with international law.”

Jun 20, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

This Is What an Overcrowded Holding Center for Migrant Children Looks Like

This Is What an Overcrowded Holding Center for Migrant Children Looks Like This Is What an Overcrowded Holding Center for Migrant Children Looks Like

After weeks of denying access, Border Patrol officials finally let reporters look inside two controversial immigrant processing centers. 

Jun 19, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Migrant Children Accuse Border Patrol Agents of Physical and Sexual Assault

Migrant Children Accuse Border Patrol Agents of Physical and Sexual Assault Migrant Children Accuse Border Patrol Agents of Physical and Sexual Assault

A complaint filed by legal groups details 116 cases of child abuse or mistreatment by border agents, including kicking, death threats and food deprivation.

Jun 12, 2014 / Steven Hsieh
