Criminalizing Immigrants Shouldn’t Be a Business Opportunity Criminalizing Immigrants Shouldn’t Be a Business Opportunity
But the private prison company GEO Group is making huge profits locking up immigrants who are often guilty only of the crime of being undocumented.
Oct 23, 2013 / Jesse Lava and Sarah Solon

Meet the Company That Makes Huge Profits From Locking Up Immigrants Meet the Company That Makes Huge Profits From Locking Up Immigrants
The SAFE Act would turn millions of undocumented immigrants into criminals overnight, a windfall for the private prison industry.
Oct 22, 2013 / NationAction

Meet Undocumented Immigrants Who Got Themselves Picked Up by ICE—On Purpose Meet Undocumented Immigrants Who Got Themselves Picked Up by ICE—On Purpose
Why would an undocumented immigrant voluntarily walk into an Immigration and Customs Enforcement center and declare his or her status to the officers there?
Jul 1, 2013 / Press Room

Disclosure Shows Private Prison Company Misled on Immigration Lobbying Disclosure Shows Private Prison Company Misled on Immigration Lobbying
Disclosures show that the Geo Group, the second-largest private prison company in America, misled reporters when it said it would not lobby on comprehensive immigration reform.
Jun 4, 2013 / Lee Fang

Suicides or Hate Crimes in Immigrant Detention? Suicides or Hate Crimes in Immigrant Detention?
Two Guatemalan immigrants apparently commited suicide just two days apart at an Arizona detention center. Some are wondering if their deaths were hate crimes.
May 9, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Why New York Is Still the Capital of Immigrant America Why New York Is Still the Capital of Immigrant America
As the country charts a new course on immigration, New York remains a beacon of hope.
Apr 19, 2013 / Ghita Schwarz

Undocumented Youth Infiltrates Another Immigrant Detention Center Undocumented Youth Infiltrates Another Immigrant Detention Center
Twenty-seven-year-old Claudia Muñoz checked into a Michigan facility—to fight for the release of those being unfairly held.
Apr 15, 2013 / Aura Bogado

A Day in Immigration Court A Day in Immigration Court
Undocumented immigrant activists have protested on the street and infiltrated detention centers. Their next stop? Courtrooms.
Mar 15, 2013 / Aura Bogado

What Does Millions in Lobbying Money Buy? Five Congresspeople in the Pocket of the Private Prison Industry What Does Millions in Lobbying Money Buy? Five Congresspeople in the Pocket of the Private Prison Industry
Should these congresspeople really be making decisions on immigration reform when they've taken so much money from the corporations who stand to gain from stricter enforcement ...
Feb 27, 2013 / Lee Fang and Francis Reynolds

Infiltrating ICE: How Undocumented Activists Are Organizing on the Inside Infiltrating ICE: How Undocumented Activists Are Organizing on the Inside
Undocumented activist Marco Saavedra talks with The Nation's Francis Reynolds and Aura Bogado about the struggle to crack open an Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention cent...
Feb 7, 2013 / Francis Reynolds and Aura Bogado