Trump’s Team Is Sabotaging the Transition Trump’s Team Is Sabotaging the Transition
Even after grudgingly accepting the reality of his defeat, the White House is working hard to hobble the incoming Biden administration.
Nov 25, 2020 / Jeet Heer

California Is Burning—and Trump Gathers Kindling California Is Burning—and Trump Gathers Kindling
No sympathy for those whose homes are threatened or firefighters risking their lives. Instead, he’s lobbed insults and stripped environmental protections.
Aug 21, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

Would Trump Go to War With Iran to Get Reelected? Would Trump Go to War With Iran to Get Reelected?
The administration’s escalating aggression toward Iran could be leading to a full-blown war ahead of the November election.
Aug 13, 2020 / Bob Dreyfuss

More Veterans in Congress Could Mean Fewer Wars More Veterans in Congress Could Mean Fewer Wars
Research shows those in government who haven’t experienced combat are more likely to initiate it.
Jul 14, 2020 / Nan Levinson

Milton Glaser, 1929–2020 Milton Glaser, 1929–2020
Luckily for The Nation, Milton’s first rule was “You can only work for people you like.”
Jul 10, 2020 / Victor Navasky

Time to Fundamentally Rethink What Trump Means by Security Time to Fundamentally Rethink What Trump Means by Security
The challenge for his successor will be how to dig out from the rubble.
Jun 2, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Religious Fundamentalists Are Making the Pandemic Worse Religious Fundamentalists Are Making the Pandemic Worse
In the US and abroad, leaders are putting faith before good science.
May 20, 2020 / Juan Cole

How Trump’s Foreign Policy Puts Troops at Risk of Covid-19 How Trump’s Foreign Policy Puts Troops at Risk of Covid-19
A leaked intelligence brief reveals US sanctions have “left Iran bereft of financial resources to mount an effective public health response.”
Apr 22, 2020 / Ken Klippenstein

Iran Is Suffering Under the Coronavirus, and the US Is Imposing Fresh Sanctions Iran Is Suffering Under the Coronavirus, and the US Is Imposing Fresh Sanctions
As the Trump administration tightens the screws on Iran, Biden and the Democratic establishment dither, or worse.
Apr 22, 2020 / James Carden

How the ‘West Point Mafia’ Runs Washington How the ‘West Point Mafia’ Runs Washington
From Congress to K Street, a small cohort of men exert immense influence on American political life.
Apr 10, 2020 / Danny Sjursen