Is There Any Honor In War? Is There Any Honor In War?
It’s time for us to begin seeing war not as our making but our unmaking—as democracy’s undoing as well as the brutal thing it truly is.
Oct 7, 2022 / William Astore

When Moral Clarity Goes Extinct When Moral Clarity Goes Extinct
Many are waiting to hear an “I was wrong” from so many politicians—but I’m not holding my breath.
Aug 24, 2022 / Kelly Denton-Borhaug

Why Can’t Washington Break Its War Addiction? Why Can’t Washington Break Its War Addiction?
American narcissism is only part of the answer.
May 12, 2022 / William Astore

America’s Disastrous 60-Year War America’s Disastrous 60-Year War
Most Americans simply take it for granted that war, or threats of war, having defined our immediate past, will define our future as well.
Feb 17, 2022 / William Astore

We Still Need an Anti-War Movement We Still Need an Anti-War Movement
The lack of active opposition to endless wars isn’t a new normal, but something like the old normal.
Feb 9, 2022 / Nan Levinson

Getting Away With Murder Wasn’t Enough for Tony Blair Getting Away With Murder Wasn’t Enough for Tony Blair
Now the British salesman for the Iraq War has been made a knight.
Jan 7, 2022 / Hasan Ali

Why Christopher Hitchens Still Matters Why Christopher Hitchens Still Matters
A contrarian Christmas provocation.
Dec 24, 2021 / Ben Burgis

The Great Myth of the ”Great“ American Military The Great Myth of the ”Great“ American Military
A yawning gap looms between that military’s agreed upon reputation here and its actual performance.
Dec 24, 2021 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Here’s How We End America’s Forever Wars Here’s How We End America’s Forever Wars
It’s time to acknowledge in the most concrete ways imaginable that the post-9/11 war on terror warrants a final sunset.
Dec 13, 2021 / Karen J. Greenberg

Duty, Honor, Country: Ian Fishback and the Idea of America Duty, Honor, Country: Ian Fishback and the Idea of America
This uniformed whistleblower sacrificed his life for this nation no less than the several thousand who fell in battle.
Dec 2, 2021 / Andrew J. Bacevich