How Donald Trump Is Beating the Neoconservatives at Their Own Game How Donald Trump Is Beating the Neoconservatives at Their Own Game
He’s capitalizing on the belligerent ultra-nationalism they cultivated, but he has little use for their ideas.
Mar 25, 2016 / Matthew Duss

The 5 Questions You Won’t Hear Asked at Any Presidential Debate The 5 Questions You Won’t Hear Asked at Any Presidential Debate
Unless we address these long-standing foreign policy questions, we’ll continue playing international whack-a-mole for the next four years.
Mar 17, 2016 / Peter Van Buren

The Case for Demilitarizing the Military The Case for Demilitarizing the Military
Civilian control of the military is a minimal condition for democracy. Too bad the United States doesn’t meet it.
Mar 15, 2016 / Gregory D. Foster

Welcome to American Warfare: A 14-Year Game Where Everyone’s a Loser Welcome to American Warfare: A 14-Year Game Where Everyone’s a Loser
The best part is you get to play the same round over and over and over again.
Mar 10, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

Bernie Sanders, the Foreign-Policy Realist of 2016 Bernie Sanders, the Foreign-Policy Realist of 2016
Of all the presidential candidates of either party, Bernie is actually the most sober and clear-eyed.
Feb 19, 2016 / Feature / Robert English

A Real ‘Political Revolution’ Would End the War in Iraq A Real ‘Political Revolution’ Would End the War in Iraq
Taking the diplomatic road on Iraq and Syria would let Sanders get back to the business he started in 2002—making space between himself and Hillary Clinton on the Middle East.
Feb 19, 2016 / Peter Certo

Does the US Military Suffer From ‘Affluenza’? Does the US Military Suffer From ‘Affluenza’?
No matter what the military does (or doesn't) accomplish, it continues to garner praise, resources, and funding.
Feb 11, 2016 / William J. Astore

Sanders Should Challenge the Foreign-Policy Status Quo Sanders Should Challenge the Foreign-Policy Status Quo
We desperately need to overturn a foreign policy that grows ever more divorced from the interests and security concerns of the vast majority of Americans.
Feb 9, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home? Everyone Knows the US Military Is Failing—So Why Won’t Washington Bring the Troops Home?
It’s time to challenge politicians’ claims about the military’s effectiveness in the 21st century.
Feb 8, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

What Can Today’s Peace Movement Learn From Vietnam? What Can Today’s Peace Movement Learn From Vietnam?
The best way to protect American lives is to refuse to take sides in someone else’s civil war.
Feb 2, 2016 / Ira Chernus