Concerns About the ‘Pat Tillman’ Military-Themed Sports Uniforms Concerns About the ‘Pat Tillman’ Military-Themed Sports Uniforms
Given the code with which Pat Tillman lived and the way that he died, the new Tillman-themed shirts and sneakers by Adidas are very troubling.
Oct 29, 2015 / Dave Zirin

October 28, 2005: White House Official ‘Scooter’ Libby Is Indicted in the Valerie Plame Affair October 28, 2005: White House Official ‘Scooter’ Libby Is Indicted in the Valerie Plame Affair
“One doesn’t need indictments—or convictions—to see this case as a clear representation of the way Bush and his crew do business.“
Oct 28, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Welcome to Afghanistan—Now, Let’s Take a Selfie Welcome to Afghanistan—Now, Let’s Take a Selfie
The American military doesn’t have a strategy; it has an itinerary.
Oct 27, 2015 / William J. Astore

The Benghazi Hearings We Need The Benghazi Hearings We Need
It is time to challenge a global overreach that has failed repeatedly in the past and seems doomed to fail in the future.
Oct 27, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

October 26, 2001: President George W. Bush Signs the USA Patriot Act Into Law October 26, 2001: President George W. Bush Signs the USA Patriot Act Into Law
“At times of crisis the most patriotic act of all is the unyielding defense of civil liberties, the right to dissent and equality before the law for all Americans.”
Oct 26, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

US Engagement in the Middle East Is Riskier Than Ever US Engagement in the Middle East Is Riskier Than Ever
Twelve years after the invasion of Iraq, the US presses onward in a region where it has few clear goals. What could go wrong?
Oct 22, 2015 / Peter Van Buren

What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters
They’re drawn to the movement for reasons that have little to do with belief in extremist Islam.
Oct 21, 2015 / Lydia Wilson

Iraq and Afghanistan Have Officially Become Vietnam 2.0 Iraq and Afghanistan Have Officially Become Vietnam 2.0
Our policy of arming and training local militias in Vietnam was largely unsuccessful. So why are we repeating that mistake today?
Oct 13, 2015 / Andrew J. Bacevich

The US Massacre in Kunduz Exposes the Bankruptcy of Obama’s National-Security Policy The US Massacre in Kunduz Exposes the Bankruptcy of Obama’s National-Security Policy
Air power inflicts horrific human-rights violations and has been thoroughly discredited as a means of fighting insurgencies.
Oct 6, 2015 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

The Most Exceptional Thing About America Is Our Paranoia The Most Exceptional Thing About America Is Our Paranoia
In the United States, you’re more likely to be crushed by falling furniture than killed by a terrorist—but try telling that to Washington.
Sep 29, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt