
Woman fleeing home in Gaza

Did Bernie Sanders Commit ‘Blood Libel’ Against Israel? Did Bernie Sanders Commit ‘Blood Libel’ Against Israel?

That’s what some of the country’s defenders are saying. But his claim that Israel used indiscriminate force in Gaza is accurate.

Apr 12, 2016 / Norman G. Finkelstein

Ted Cruz Embodies the Degeneration of Foreign-Policy Conservatism

Ted Cruz Embodies the Degeneration of Foreign-Policy Conservatism Ted Cruz Embodies the Degeneration of Foreign-Policy Conservatism

Think nothing could be worse than a Trump presidency? Think again.

Mar 30, 2016 / Andrew J. Bacevich


Standing Ovations for Donald Trump at AIPAC Standing Ovations for Donald Trump at AIPAC

Pandering to the pro-Israel lobby was the order of the day for candidates of both parties.

Mar 23, 2016 / Ali Gharib

The 5 Questions You Won’t Hear Asked at Any Presidential Debate

The 5 Questions You Won’t Hear Asked at Any Presidential Debate The 5 Questions You Won’t Hear Asked at Any Presidential Debate

Unless we address these long-standing foreign policy questions, we’ll continue playing international whack-a-mole for the next four years.

Mar 17, 2016 / Peter Van Buren

How AIPAC Mainstreams Anti-Muslim Hate

How AIPAC Mainstreams Anti-Muslim Hate How AIPAC Mainstreams Anti-Muslim Hate

After withdrawing at the last minute in 2015, a twice-disgraced Islamophobe will be back at the pro-Israel group’s annual summit this year.

Mar 8, 2016 / Ali Gharib

Girls and Soldier Conflict Over Soccer

It’s Time to Kick Israel Out of Soccer It’s Time to Kick Israel Out of Soccer

As we said for South Africa, “No normal sport in an abnormal society.” The idea has already rattled Israeli diplomats.

Mar 1, 2016 / Sean Jacobs and Aubrey Bloomfield

Israel Unleashes an Onslaught on Human-Rights NGOs, Artists, and Writers

Israel Unleashes an Onslaught on Human-Rights NGOs, Artists, and Writers Israel Unleashes an Onslaught on Human-Rights NGOs, Artists, and Writers

The new wave of McCarthyite smears and repressive laws is unprecedented.

Feb 26, 2016 / David Palumbo-Liu

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton

Who’s Really the Better Friend to Israel, Hillary or Bernie? Who’s Really the Better Friend to Israel, Hillary or Bernie?

Bernie’s better, but, sadly, neither candidate is acting the way a true friend should.

Feb 24, 2016 / Neve Gordon and Mark LeVine

BDS Protesters

Is New York State About to Create a Blacklist of BDS Supporters? Is New York State About to Create a Blacklist of BDS Supporters?

A new bill would create an official list of people who support the campaign to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel for its abuse of Palestinian human rights.

Feb 10, 2016 / Rahul Saksena

A scene from Rabin, the Last Day.

Israel’s Willful Blindness Israel’s Willful Blindness

Two films explore why the Israeli peace movement collapsed, and, taken together, might advance you toward an answer.

Feb 3, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
