
Human Rights Watch Calls on Businesses to Withdraw From Israeli Settlements

Human Rights Watch Calls on Businesses to Withdraw From Israeli Settlements Human Rights Watch Calls on Businesses to Withdraw From Israeli Settlements

A new report finds pervasive and severe human rights abuses in the West Bank.

Jan 19, 2016 / Ali Gharib

Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel’s Settler Diplomacy Has Apparently Failed in Brazil Israel’s Settler Diplomacy Has Apparently Failed in Brazil

Brazil’s rejection of settler-advocate Dani Dayan as ambassador sends a strong message to Netanyahu and the Israeli right.

Jan 11, 2016 / Greg Grandin

Marco Rubio shakes hands with major donor and former employer Norman Braman in Miami.

Meet Marco Rubio’s Far-Right Neocon Donors Meet Marco Rubio’s Far-Right Neocon Donors

This billionaire bestiary is pushing ultra-hawkish and retrograde policies that are repellent to most Americans.

Dec 11, 2015 / Eli Clifton

How to End the Eritrean Refugee Crisis

How to End the Eritrean Refugee Crisis How to End the Eritrean Refugee Crisis

For Tesfu Atsbha, head of the Eritrean Solidarity Movement for National Salvation, the only way is to depose dictator Isaias Afwerki.

Dec 2, 2015 / Mya Guarnieri

Violence, Moral Equivalence, and the End of a Two-State Solution in Israel-Palestine

Violence, Moral Equivalence, and the End of a Two-State Solution in Israel-Palestine Violence, Moral Equivalence, and the End of a Two-State Solution in Israel-Palestine

A slanderous ad in The New York Times accusing John Kerry of anti-Semitism could only have drawn its inspiration from the PR skills of Joseph Goebbels.

Nov 24, 2015 / Henry Siegman

Steven Salaita: I Will Always Condemn Injustice, No Matter the State of My Employment

Steven Salaita: I Will Always Condemn Injustice, No Matter the State of My Employment Steven Salaita: I Will Always Condemn Injustice, No Matter the State of My Employment

The embattled professor reflects on the trials of free speech, Zionism, and what it means to reach a settlement.

Nov 13, 2015 / Steven Salaita

Dissent Breaks Out at the Center for American Progress Over Netanyahu’s Visit

Dissent Breaks Out at the Center for American Progress Over Netanyahu’s Visit Dissent Breaks Out at the Center for American Progress Over Netanyahu’s Visit

At a meeting Friday, about a dozen staffers objected to the liberal think tank’s invitation to the right-wing Israeli prime minister. Here’s what they said.

Nov 10, 2015 / Ali Gharib and Eli Clifton

Can Clinton Mend Fences With Netanyahu?

Can Clinton Mend Fences With Netanyahu? Can Clinton Mend Fences With Netanyahu?

The Democratic presidential hopeful says she can make it right with Israel’s conservative prime minister, but offers no specifics.

Nov 6, 2015 / Ali Gharib

Israel’s Descent Into Jingoistic ‘Orgies of Feeling’

Israel’s Descent Into Jingoistic ‘Orgies of Feeling’ Israel’s Descent Into Jingoistic ‘Orgies of Feeling’

The current popularity of snuff media encourages retribution against those considered responsible for so-called national injuries.

Nov 5, 2015 / Neve Gordon

November 2, 1917: The Balfour Declaration Promises British Support for a ‘National Home for the Jewish People’

November 2, 1917: The Balfour Declaration Promises British Support for a ‘National Home for the Jewish People’ November 2, 1917: The Balfour Declaration Promises British Support for a ‘National Home for the Jewish People’

“Its implications are science, industry, democracy, the whole growth of that torturous and bloody liberation of the masses of men from their oppressors in which consists the humani...

Nov 2, 2015 / Richard Kreitner
