
On Israel-Palestine and BDS

On Israel-Palestine and BDS On Israel-Palestine and BDS

Those dedicated to the Palestinian cause should think carefully about the tactics they choose.

Jul 2, 2014 / Feature / Noam Chomsky

De Blasio Praises Israel, Quietly

De Blasio Praises Israel, Quietly De Blasio Praises Israel, Quietly

In an address closed to the press and not even on his official schedule, the mayor said defending Israel is part of his job.

Jan 24, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

A New Consensus on Public Space and ‘Free’ Speech on Israel/Palestine in New York City A New Consensus on Public Space and ‘Free’ Speech on Israel/Palestine in New York City

The LGBT Center and a host of high-profile New York City politicians have endorsed open debate of Israel-Palestine—only with ritual support for Israel's policies.

Feb 22, 2013 / Lisa Duggan

New York Dems Shouldn’t Make Political Hay of Brooklyn College’s Panel on BDS

New York Dems Shouldn’t Make Political Hay of Brooklyn College’s Panel on BDS New York Dems Shouldn’t Make Political Hay of Brooklyn College’s Panel on BDS

Democrats’ condemnation of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions discussion at Brooklyn College displays their concern for election results, not “academic freedom.”

Feb 5, 2013 / Katha Pollitt

A Tale of Two Zionisms: On Peter Beinart A Tale of Two Zionisms: On Peter Beinart

Why Israel’s purposes cannot be grasped only through the American Jewish experience.

Sep 26, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Bernard Avishai

The Romance of Birthright Israel

The Romance of Birthright Israel The Romance of Birthright Israel

By providing all-expenses paid trips to Israel for Jewish young adults, US funders and Israeli politicians are creating the next generations of American Zionists.

Jun 15, 2011 / Feature / Kiera Feldman
