Korean War

Marines on patrol in Afghanistan

American Warfare’s Giant Open Secret American Warfare’s Giant Open Secret

All of the wars waged by the United States in the last 70 years have had one thing in common.

Nov 6, 2017 / Danny Sjursen

Trump and Abe

Is Trump Following a ‘Japan First’ Policy Against Kim Jong-un? Is Trump Following a ‘Japan First’ Policy Against Kim Jong-un?

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has emerged as a major influence on Trump’s North Korea policy.

Sep 27, 2017 / Tim Shorrock

Trump Korea Standoff

Is Trump Going to War in Korea? Is Trump Going to War in Korea?

His cowboy tirades, and the pundits’ bombastic rhetoric, are exceedingly reckless. History shows that negotiations with Pyongyang can work.

Aug 11, 2017 / Tim Shorrock

Pence in Georgia

Why Trump Is Beating the War Drum—and How It Could Lead to Disaster Why Trump Is Beating the War Drum—and How It Could Lead to Disaster

It’s sure to win favor among hawks of both parties, while distracting the media and public from his domestic woes—but foreign powers are not backing down.

Aug 10, 2017 / Michael T. Klare

US-South Korean Joint Military Exercise

The Unacknowledged Logic of North Korea’s Missile Tests The Unacknowledged Logic of North Korea’s Missile Tests

We may not like it, but nuclear weapons may be all that stands in the way of another US-conducted “regime change.”

Jul 6, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence

South Korean President Moon Jae-in

South Korea’s New President Says His Election Completes the ‘Candlelight Revolution’ South Korea’s New President Says His Election Completes the ‘Candlelight Revolution’

In an exclusive interview, Moon Jae-in scoffs at reports of a rift with Trump and talks about his country’s past struggles for democracy.

May 10, 2017 / Tim Shorrock

Moon Jae-in

The United States Should Listen to South Korea—or It Will Reap the Whirlwind The United States Should Listen to South Korea—or It Will Reap the Whirlwind

Recent US actions underscore a deep-seated problem: refusal to see South Korea as an independent nation with interests of its own.

May 5, 2017 / Tim Shorrock

north korea marines

Donald Trump Has Zero Legal Authority to Order Military Action Against North Korea Donald Trump Has Zero Legal Authority to Order Military Action Against North Korea

Without congressional authorization, military action would “clearly and unequivocally be illegal and unconstitutional,” says Congressman Jerrold Nadler.

Apr 28, 2017 / John Nichols

Mike Pence at the DMZ in Korea

How Our Foreign-Policy Elites Manufactured the Korea Crisis How Our Foreign-Policy Elites Manufactured the Korea Crisis

The attack on the Syrian airfield was a message to North Korea and China—and a demonstration of Trump’s capitulation to the imperial clique.

Apr 20, 2017 / Patrick Lawrence

A sign in Gwangju calling for Park Geun-hye's imprisonment

In South Korea, War Hysteria Is Seen as an American Problem In South Korea, War Hysteria Is Seen as an American Problem

The big issue here is the May 9 presidential election, which is expected to bring a progressive to power.

Apr 17, 2017 / Tim Shorrock
