Labor strikes

Madison Budget Occupation

The Fight Against Austerity Started Here The Fight Against Austerity Started Here

In 2011, the people of Wisconsin challenged the right’s austerity agenda. Their uprising was even more revolutionary than you think.

Sep 23, 2016 / Sarah Jaffe

Mexico’s Striking Teachers Stand Firm Against State Repression

Mexico’s Striking Teachers Stand Firm Against State Repression Mexico’s Striking Teachers Stand Firm Against State Repression

The government refuses to negotiate, heightening the danger of further bloody confrontation.

Aug 25, 2016 / David Bacon

Rio Teacher Protest

Teachers and Students Occupy Schools in the Shadow of Olympic Rio Teachers and Students Occupy Schools in the Shadow of Olympic Rio

Organizing to reform teachers’ working conditions as well as standardized testing has been met with brutal police violence.

Aug 11, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Temp workers

Yes, Temps Can Unionize Too Yes, Temps Can Unionize Too

Temp employees often have a hard time figuring out who their real boss is. A new NLRB ruling takes the guesswork out of that conundrum.

Jul 27, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Lockout Sign Honeywell Metropolis

When Corporations Lock Out Their Own Workers When Corporations Lock Out Their Own Workers

Lockouts used to represent less than 4 percent of work stoppages. Last year, they topped 10 percent.

Jul 8, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Vigil for CNTE teachers

Rebellion Spreads in Mexico After a Police Massacre Rebellion Spreads in Mexico After a Police Massacre

“We will not pardon or forget.”

Jun 30, 2016 / James North

Mexico City education

Why Are Mexican Teachers Being Jailed for Protesting Education Reform? Why Are Mexican Teachers Being Jailed for Protesting Education Reform?

They’re peacefully resisting US-style neoliberal measures intended to crush the unions—a backbone of Mexico’s social-justice movements.

Jun 17, 2016 / David Bacon

Chinese Walmart

The Fight Against Walmart’s Labor Practices Goes Global The Fight Against Walmart’s Labor Practices Goes Global

Store workers in China are now pushing for the same labor protections US workers have been demanding for years.

Jun 8, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Filipino Solidarity Picket

Filipino Workers Are Seizing the Means of Communication in the Fight Against Verizon Filipino Workers Are Seizing the Means of Communication in the Fight Against Verizon

These workers understand that without a strong global labor movement, they’re in an unwinnable race to the bottom.

May 25, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Kshama Sawant $15 minimum wage protest

Hillary Was Nowhere to Be Seen in the Fight for 15—I Should Know Hillary Was Nowhere to Be Seen in the Fight for 15—I Should Know

Hillary’s “support” is welcome, and a sign that our movement has come far, but let’s be clear: She hasn’t always supported a $15 minimum wage. 

Apr 18, 2016 / Kshama Sawant
