Mainstream media

Blaming the Victim, Excusing the Powerful: What Real Institutional Media Bias Looks Like

Blaming the Victim, Excusing the Powerful: What Real Institutional Media Bias Looks Like Blaming the Victim, Excusing the Powerful: What Real Institutional Media Bias Looks Like

Eric on this week’s concerts and Reed on how, from Bill Cosby’s victims to drone strikes, the media refuse to protect the powerless.

Dec 2, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Post-Midterm Political Coverage of GOP Extremism Fits the Definition of Media Absurdity

Post-Midterm Political Coverage of GOP Extremism Fits the Definition of Media Absurdity Post-Midterm Political Coverage of GOP Extremism Fits the Definition of Media Absurdity

Eric on this week in concerts and new music releases and Reed on how the mainstream press is always trying to tell the same (false) story about the Republican Party.

Nov 17, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Why Is a Nice Network Like MSNBC Silencing Protest Over Pro-Israeli Coverage?

Why Is a Nice Network Like MSNBC Silencing Protest Over Pro-Israeli Coverage? Why Is a Nice Network Like MSNBC Silencing Protest Over Pro-Israeli Coverage?

Now that former MSNBC contributor Rula Jebreal has been canned for stating the obvious—that Israeli voices overwhelmingly outnumber those of Palestinians, including at MSNBC—will a...

Jul 24, 2014 / Leslie Savan

MSNBC’s Scarborough Unfairly Blames the Media for Chris Christie’s Problems

MSNBC’s Scarborough Unfairly Blames the Media for Chris Christie’s Problems MSNBC’s Scarborough Unfairly Blames the Media for Chris Christie’s Problems

The former congressman slams The New York Times, but the Times was actually late to the party.

Jun 25, 2014 / Bob and Barbara Dreyfuss

China Goes Dark

China Goes Dark China Goes Dark

Hard-hitting New York Times coverage has been journalism at its best—although the Chinese authorities apparently don't agree.

Dec 18, 2013 / Column / Eric Alterman

Kennedy Week: The Myth of Camelot and the Dangers of Sycophantic Consensus Journalism Kennedy Week: The Myth of Camelot and the Dangers of Sycophantic Consensus Journalism

How a favor Teddy White did for Jackie Kennedy helps explain David Broder and Politico.

Nov 23, 2013 / Rick Perlstein

Outsourcing Accountability to the Political Opposition: The Beltway Media’s Agency Problem Outsourcing Accountability to the Political Opposition: The Beltway Media’s Agency Problem

Eric Alterman's weekly media-roundup and Reed Richardson's take on the  "60 Minutes" Benghazi debacle.

Nov 15, 2013 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

‘Meet the Press’ Pundit With Financial Ties to NSA Misleadingly Slams Snowden ‘Meet the Press’ Pundit With Financial Ties to NSA Misleadingly Slams Snowden

On Meet the Press, ‘Republican strategist’ Mike Murphy attacked Edward Snowden’s decision to seek aslyum, yet failed to disclose his own financial ties to the surveillance industry...

Jun 24, 2013 / Lee Fang
