Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote Take Action Now: Vote Today, Then Help Others Vote
In addition to casting your own ballot, you can report voter intimidation and drive people to the polls.
Nov 6, 2018 / NationAction

Can These Women Flip Red Districts in the Pacific Northwest? Can These Women Flip Red Districts in the Pacific Northwest?
Washington’s Third Congressional District was considered safe territory for its Republican incumbent. Then Carolyn Long showed up.
Nov 5, 2018 / Zoë Carpenter

Consider the Lobster Tariffs Consider the Lobster Tariffs
From coastal communities in Maine to farming towns in Iowa, Trump’s trade war with China is taking its toll.
Nov 5, 2018 / Willy Blackmore

Beto O’Rourke Is an Antidote to Donald Trump’s Bigotry Beto O’Rourke Is an Antidote to Donald Trump’s Bigotry
Rebuking the president’s midterm rhetoric, the Texan says, “It’s un-American. It’s not who we are.”
Nov 5, 2018 / John Nichols

Is Peddling Hate a Losing Campaign Strategy? Is Peddling Hate a Losing Campaign Strategy?
“Most Americans don’t hate Muslims.”
Nov 2, 2018 / Michelle Chen

Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump Is Somebody Who Clearly Does Not Respect Democracy’ Bernie Sanders: ‘Trump Is Somebody Who Clearly Does Not Respect Democracy’
The senator explains why Democrats must challenge right-wing extremism.
Nov 2, 2018 / John Nichols

Why Students Are Walking out of School on Election Day Why Students Are Walking out of School on Election Day
Early voting this season has been marked by a dramatic surge of youth participation. Student organizers are determined to keep it up on November 6.
Nov 1, 2018 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Jahana Hayes Is Poised to Make History Jahana Hayes Is Poised to Make History
The Democratic congressional candidate from Connecticut says that growing up in poverty “grounded my decision-making and framed everything I do.”
Nov 1, 2018 / Greg Kaufmann

Can Women Voters Turn America Blue? Can Women Voters Turn America Blue?
Katrina vanden Heuvel, Joan Walsh, and Cecile Richards on women voters, Ari Berman on vote suppression, and Gary Younge on the Midwest.
Nov 1, 2018 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Bend the Arc Against White Nationalism by Voting Steve King Out of Congress Bend the Arc Against White Nationalism by Voting Steve King Out of Congress
Iowa voters can signal, clearly and unequivocally, that far-right extremism has no place in our politics.
Oct 31, 2018 / John Nichols