A Low-Intensity War Is Underway in Northeast Asia A Low-Intensity War Is Underway in Northeast Asia
Beneath the radar in Korea, a military buildup—by both sides—has raised tensions to an alarming degree.
Dec 23, 2019 / Tim Shorrock

How Our Defense Budget Became So Bloated How Our Defense Budget Became So Bloated
Defense spending is higher now than it was during the Korean or Vietnam conflicts and may soon be twice the Cold War average.
Dec 17, 2019 / William D. Hartung

Where Is the Outrage Over the War in Afghanistan? Where Is the Outrage Over the War in Afghanistan?
A new Washington Post report proving the longest war in American history has been sold on lies for 20 years causes barely a ripple.
Dec 13, 2019 / Jeet Heer

We Have Just Been Handed the Pentagon Papers of Our Generation We Have Just Been Handed the Pentagon Papers of Our Generation
The Afghanistan Papers are a devastating indictment of our military and political leaders. The question is: Will anyone notice?
Dec 13, 2019 / Danny Sjursen

When the Climate Replaces Our Forever Wars When the Climate Replaces Our Forever Wars
What will the military look like in climate-crisis mode?
Dec 11, 2019 / Michael T. Klare

US Soldiers Are Carrying the Hidden Trauma of Our Endless Wars US Soldiers Are Carrying the Hidden Trauma of Our Endless Wars
Mental health specialists have long recognized the deep emotional trauma of war. When will the US military?
Dec 5, 2019 / Arnold Isaacs

The Trauma From Our War on Terror Will Linger Long After It Ends The Trauma From Our War on Terror Will Linger Long After It Ends
A cofounder of Brown University’s Costs of War Project writes on being a military spouse and a witness to the costs of war.
Nov 26, 2019 / Andrea Mazzarino

Trump Has Stolen the Anti-War Mantle. Here’s How to Get It Back. Trump Has Stolen the Anti-War Mantle. Here’s How to Get It Back.
His claims about wanting to “end endless US wars” are lies—but they’re effective, because the massive anti-war movement that we need is missing in action.
Nov 4, 2019 / Phyllis Bennis

The US Military Is a Socialist Organization The US Military Is a Socialist Organization
Affordable housing and food, tuition assistance, and universal health care are hallmarks of a social welfare system—and life in the armed forces.
Nov 4, 2019 / Liesel Kershul

America’s Military Mania Is Hurting Democracy America’s Military Mania Is Hurting Democracy
It’s time to put an end to America’s lust for war.
Oct 24, 2019 / William Astore